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Showing 241 - 250 of 1674 results

09 January 2020

CPS Response to the HMCPSI thematic inspection report in relation to Disclosure of Unused Material in the Crown Court

HMCPSI have today (9 January 2020) published a report into the handling of unused material in Crown Court, following on from the 2017 joint inspection report Making it fair: the disclosure of unused material in volume Crown Court cases. This report was undertaken at the request of the CPS to give us an independent assessment of progress we have made since the implementation of the National Disclosure Improvement Plan.

CPS responses to HMCPSI

CPS case outcomes by principal offence category 2018-2019 Quarter 4

National Summary Area reports

Case Outcomes, Performance management and case outcomes, CPS operational information

30 October 2019

CPS Response to the report of the findings from the full Area Assurance Programme (AAP) 2016-17 and 2018-19

HMCPSI have today [30 October 2019] published a composite report into the work of the CPS, in relation to the Area Assurance Programme (AAP) 2016-17 and 2018-19.

CPS responses to HMCPSI

25 October 2019

Hate Crime Report 2018-2019

This is the eleventh Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) hate crime report, and brings together information on CPS performance in prosecuting racist and religious hate crime, homophobic and transphobic crime, crimes against the older person and disability hate crime.

Equality and diversity, CPS operational information

14 October 2019

Consultation on the CPS Legal Guidance on Mentally Disordered Offenders - Summary of Responses

This is a summary of responses to the public consultation undertaken by the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) on the revised legal guidance prepared to update its current Mentally Disordered Offenders legal guidance, and a statement of the revisions proposed which will form the finalised guidance to be issued.

CPS operational information, Policy and Guidance

11 November 2021

CPS Fees - Appeals Committee Decisions

The purpose of the Advocate Fee Appeals Committee is to resolve disputes by reference to published CPS fee schemes, in particular the Graduated Fee Scheme (GFS) and the Very High Cost Case scheme (VHCC).

CPS operational information, Information relating to external advocates, Finance

26 November 2019

Graduated Fee Scheme D - Manual of Guidance

The Graduated Fee Scheme D - Manual of Guidance and accompanying annexes are available as Adobe Acrobat PDFs

Information relating to external advocates, CPS operational information

13 August 2019

CPS response to the thematic inspection report in relation to the Handling of Defence Correspondence

HMCPSI have today [13 August 2019] published a report into the work of the CPS, in relation to the Handling of Defence Correspondence.

CPS responses to HMCPSI

17 July 2019

CPS response to the HMICFRS/HMCPSI joint thematic inspection report in relation to Crimes Against Older People

HMICFRS/HMCPSI have today [17 July 2019] published a joint report into the work of the police, and the CPS, in relation to Crimes Against Older People (CAOP).

CPS operational information


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