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We want to hear your views about our prosecution policy. You can help us to be better informed, fairer and more representative by participating in our consultations.


The following consultations are now closed and awaiting outcomes:

Consultation: Revised Media Protocol and new supporting User Guidance

Opening date:
Closing date:
This consultation is now closed, awaiting outcomes

This consultation invites views on the draft joint Media Protocol and User Guidance which have been developed to replace the current

Public consultation – rape policy statement and commitment to RASSO victims

Opening date:
Closing date:
This consultation is now closed, awaiting outcomes

Public consultation - Guidance on pre-trial therapy

Opening date:
Closing date:
This consultation is now closed, awaiting outcomes
The CPS is conducting a public consultation on the draft guidance on pre-trial therapy which  replaces and combines earlier guidance the “Provision of Therapy for Child Witnesses Prior to a Criminal Trial” and the “Provision of Therapy for Vulnerable or Intimidated Adult Witnesses prior to a Criminal Trial”, 2002.

We have published outcomes for the following consultations:

Consultation on Revisions to the CPS-SPA Protocol regarding the exercise of criminal jurisdiction in England and Wales

Opening date:
Closing date:
Outcome of this consultation
The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) and Service Prosecuting Authority (SPA) conducted a public consultation on proposed revisions to the CPS-SPA Protocol regarding the exercise of criminal jurisdiction in England and Wales (the Protocol).

Consultation on the Deception as to Gender section in the Rape and Serious Sexual Offences (RASSO) legal guidance

Opening date:
Closing date:
Outcome of this consultation
The CPS conducted a public consultation on a proposed revision to its legal guidance on Rape and Serious Sexual Offences (RASSO), specifically Chapter 6: Consent, the section on Deception as to Gender. The purpose of the consultation was to provide interested persons with an opportunity to provide comments and to ensure the final version of the guidance was informed by as wide a range of views as possible.

Consultation on the Domestic Abuse legal guidance

Opening date:
Closing date:
Outcome of this consultation
The CPS conducted a public consultation on the revisions to its legal guidance on Domestic Abuse (DA). The purpose of the consultation is to provide interested persons with an opportunity to provide comments and to ensure the final version of the guidance is informed by as wide a range of views as possible. 

Consultation on the Domestic Abuse Policy Statement

Opening date:
Closing date:
Outcome of this consultation
The CPS is conducting a public consultation on the new Domestic Abuse (DA) Policy Statement. There are high levels of public interest and concern around the criminal justice response to domestic abuse, particularly the disparity in reports and criminal justice outcomes.

Consultation on public interest guidance for suicide pact and ‘mercy killing’ type cases

Opening date:
Closing date:
Outcome of this consultation
The purpose of the consultation was to provide interested persons with an opportunity to provide comments and to ensure the final version of the guidance is informed by as wide a range of views as possible.

Consultation on rape and sexual offences legal guidance

Opening date:
Closing date:
Outcome of this consultation
As part of our work on Rape and Serious Sexual Offences (RASSO) under our five-year strategy, we made a commitment to launch a consultation on our updated rape legal guidance this autumn.

Consultation on CPS’ Draft Statutory Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Objectives 2019 – 2022

Opening date:
Closing date:
Outcome of this consultation
The broad purpose of the equality duty is to integrate consideration of equality and good relations into the day-to-day business of public authorities.

Public consultation on Mental Health Conditions and Disorders: Draft Legal Guidance

Opening date:
Closing date:
Outcome of this consultation
The CPS is conducting a public consultation on a proposed revision of its Legal Guidance on prosecuting defendants with mental health issues.


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