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Showing 251 - 260 of 1674 results

15 July 2019

Policy guidance on the prosecution of crimes against older people

We recognise that older people are often targeted because of their age and a perception that they are vulnerable. This can have a devastating impact on the victim because they are being targeted for a personal characteristic. Whilst there is no statutory definition of crimes against older people, nor legislation allowing for a sentence uplift to be applied as in hate crime cases, we are committed to ensuring that justice is delivered for older people by prosecuting offences against them and supporting victims and witnesses throughout that process.

Policy and Guidance

Consultation on Crimes Against Older People Policy Guidance - Summary of Responses

This is a summary of responses to the public consultation undertaken by the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) on the Policy Guidance on Crimes Against Older People (CAOP).

Policy and Guidance

04 July 2019

CPS Annual Report 2018-19

CPS Annual Reports

26 June 2019

CPS case outcomes by principal offence category 2018-2019 Quarter 3

National Summary Area reports

Case Outcomes, Performance management and case outcomes, CPS operational information

CPS case outcomes by principal offence category 2018-2019 Quarter 2

National Summary Area reports

Case Outcomes, Performance management and case outcomes, CPS operational information

CPS case outcomes by principal offence category 2018-2019 Quarter 1

National Summary Area reports

Case Outcomes, Performance management and case outcomes, CPS operational information

CPS case outcomes by principal offence category 2017-2018 Quarter 4

National Summary Area reports

Case Outcomes, Performance management and case outcomes, CPS operational information

25 June 2019

CPS case outcomes by principal offence category 2017-2018 Quarter 3

National Summary Area reports

Case Outcomes, Performance management and case outcomes, CPS operational information

CPS case outcomes by principal offence category 2017-2018 Quarter 2

National Summary Area reports

Case Outcomes, Performance management and case outcomes, CPS operational information

CPS case outcomes by principal offence category 2017-2018 Quarter 1

National Summary Area reports

Case Outcomes, Performance management and case outcomes, CPS operational information


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