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Killer sentenced for murder of former friend

|News, Violent crime

A man who fatally stabbed a former friend has been sentenced to life imprisonment.

Jamie Mitchell, 25, was at home on 4 October 2022 when his window was smashed around 10pm.  He reacted by taking a kitchen knife out of the house and went looking for the culprits.

Although Steven Wilkinson was not responsible for causing the damage, Mitchell saw him in the street and chased him down an alleyway near Jubilee Court in Buckley, cornering him and stabbing him once to the left side of his chest.

Members of the public provided first aid while awaiting the emergency services but the injury proved fatal.

Ceri Ellis-Jones of the CPS said: “Mitchell left his house angry and armed with a knife looking for retribution.

“The CPS presented strong evidence demonstrating his intentions which has resulted in the conviction.

“This case is a reminder of how dangerous knives are when taken into public places, and that tragedy can often result.

“Steven’s life was violently taken from him, and his loss is deeply felt by his family and friends who continue to be in our thoughts.”

Jamie Mitchell was sentenced at Mold Crown Court on 4 May 2023 where he was given life imprisonment and ordered to serve a minimum of 22 years.

Notes to editors

  • Ceri Ellis-Jones is a Senior Crown Prosecutor in CPS Cymru-Wales
  • Jamie Mitchell (DOB: 4/1/1998) was convicted of murder following a trial
  • Steven Wilkinson died at hospital on 4 October 2022 aged 23 years old.

Further reading

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