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Showing 141 - 150 of 1674 results

25 November 2021

Attorney General’s Office and Crown Prosecution Service issue Anti-Modern Slavery Statement

The Attorney General’s Office (AGO), and CPS have jointly issued an Anti-Modern Slavery Statement, reasserting our organisations’ combined commitment to preventing modern slavery within our supply chains.

Policy and Guidance, Agreements with Other Agencies

17 November 2021

CPS response to joint thematic inspection of the progress of individuals who have mental health problems through the criminal justice system

The Criminal Justice Joint Inspection have today issued a report following their joint Inspection of the progress of individuals who have mental health problems through the criminal justice system.

CPS responses to HMCPSI

11 November 2021

Appeal Committee Ruling 3 of 2021 – R v [REDACTED]

GFS Appeals Committee R-v- [REDACTED] Appeal of [REDACTED]

Fees Bulletin

21 October 2021

CPS data summary Quarter 1 2021-2022

This Q1 data release covers the 3-month period 1 April to 30 June 2021, with the previous three quarters provided to illustrate trends.

CPS operational information, Performance management and case outcomes

13 October 2021

Statement from the CPS and the NPCC on Hate Crime, October 2021

Dear Chief Officers / Chief Crown Prosecutors, We write in our capacity as hate crime portfolio leads for the CPS and NPCC and would like to begin by thanking you for your joint efforts in making hate crime a priority.

Agreements with Other Agencies

12 October 2021

CPS response to West Midlands Area Inspection Programme Baseline Report, October 2021

Her Majesty's Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate (HMCPSI) has today issued a report following the Area Inspection of CPS West Midlands.

CPS responses to HMCPSI

CPS response to South East Area Inspection Programme Baseline Report, October 2021

Her Majesty's Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate (HMCPSI) have today issued a report following their Inspection of the effectiveness of the Crown Prosecution Service, South East Area.

CPS responses to HMCPSI

CPS response to North East Area Inspection Programme Baseline Report, October 2021

Her Majesty's Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate (HMCPSI) has today issued a report (12 October 2021) following the Area Inspection of CPS North East.

CPS responses to HMCPSI

CPS response to Cymru/Wales Area Inspection Programme Baseline Report, October 2021

Her Majesty's Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate (HMCPSI) have today issued a baseline report following their Inspection of casework quality and the effectiveness of the same across the CPS Cymru-Wales Area. The findings form a baseline against which the Area will be assessed again in 24 months’ time in a follow-up inspection.

CPS responses to HMCPSI

30 September 2021

Appeal Committee Ruling 2 of 2021: R -v- [REDACTED]

GFS Appeals Committee R-v- [REDACTED] Appeal of [REDACTED]

Fees Bulletin


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