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17 February 2022

CPS Response to Area Inspection Programme, CPS London South Baseline Report, 17 February 2022

General Comments Her Majesty's Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate (HMCPSI) have today issued a report following their Inspection of CPS London South.

CPS responses to HMCPSI

04 February 2022

Delivering justice for victims: A consultation on improving victims’ experiences of the justice system – CPS response

We welcome the Government’s focus on improving victims’ experiences of the criminal justice system. This is a priority for the CPS and we think our future vision for how we engage with and communicate with victims aligns with the broad intentions set out in this consultation.

Policy and Guidance, CPS operational information

20 January 2022

CPS data summary Quarter 2 2021-2022

This Q2 data release covers the 3-month period 1 July to 30 September 2021, with the previous three quarters provided to illustrate trends.

CPS operational information, Performance management and case outcomes

06 January 2022

Witness Expenses and Allowances Annex 4: Expert Witnesses

This page (previously Leaflet NFR EFC 1C)  gives the current rates of allowances payable by the Crown Prosecution Service to expert witnesses for travel and subsistence.

Policy and Guidance

Witness Expenses and Allowances Annex 3: Prosecution Interpreter

This page (previously Leaflet NFR EFC 1A) gives the current rates and upper limits of allowances payable by the Crown Prosecution Service to interpreters required to provide interpreter services for a prosecution witness. The rates and upper limits are reviewed from time to time and the amounts in force when you attend court will be applied to your claim.

Policy and Guidance

Witness Expenses and Allowances Annex 1: Witness Expenses (Ordinary & Professional Allowances): Current Rates

This page (previously Leaflet NFR WEF 1B) gives the current rates and upper limits of allowances payable to ordinary witnesses called to give evidence by the Crown Prosecution Service. The rates and upper limits are reviewed from time to time and the amounts in force when you attend court will be applied to your claim.

Policy and Guidance

16 December 2021

CPS Response to ‘CPS Handling of Custody Time Limits' - 16 December 2021

Her Majesty's Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate (HMCPSI) has today issued a report following their Inspection of CPS Handling of Custody Time Limits (CTLs).

CPS responses to HMCPSI

30 November 2021

Appeal Committee Ruling 4 of 2021 - R -v- [REDACTED]

Introduction This case falls to be remunerated under the CPS Graduated Fee Scheme D. This case concerns the prosecution of R-v-[REDACTED] and others, listed for Newton proceedings on [REDACTED] at [REDCATED] Crown Court.

Fees Bulletin

01 December 2021

Could clearing the public gallery help the victim to give their best evidence at court?

“The experience was traumatising. I could see the public gallery and the friends of the perpetrator glared at me whilst I provided my evidence” (Rape Survivor)

Policy and Guidance, Agreements with Other Agencies

Attorney General’s Office and Crown Prosecution Service Anti-Modern Slavery Statement

Foreword Modern slavery is an abhorrent crime, where people are treated as commodities and exploited for criminal gain. It is estimated that across the globe there are in the region of 40 million people who are currently trapped in modern slavery, a harrowing figure.

CPS operational information


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