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UPDATED WITH SENTENCE: Headteacher convicted of sexual offences

|News, Sexual offences

A headteacher has been sentenced to 17 years' imprisonment for sexual offences against four victims.

Neil Frederick Foden, 66, a headteacher from Old Colwyn was sentenced today (Monday, 1 July 2024) after he was previously found guilty of 19 sexual offences against his victims following a 16-day trial at Mold Crown Court in May.

Foden’s offending came to light in September 2023 when the first victim made disclosures. As part of the investigation another four victims were identified.

The evidence presented included the victims' accounts. Those accounts were corroborated by the evidence obtained by the police in the form of mobile devices, computers seized, forensic evidence and financial enquiries. Text messages and calls linked Foden to the victims.

Foden denied all charges against him and choose not to answer any question during his police interviews.

The trial commenced on 22 April 2024 and the jury returned their verdicts on 15 May 2024.

Ceri Ellis-Jones, from the CPS, said: “We welcome these convictions and the sentence passed today, and hope that this provides comfort to the victims, knowing that Foden has now been brought to justice.

"These crimes were shocking as Foden was a trusted and well-respected individual, who used that to his advantage. He abused his position of trust and targeted the most vulnerable females he was entrusted to safeguard.

“The victims are to be commended for their bravery in coming forward and giving evidence. Their support for this prosecution has been key to Foden being brought to justice.

“I would also like to thank the specialist team at North Wales Police with whom we closely collaborated from the outset. We were able to present a compelling case to the jury, resulting in these convictions.”

Notes to editors

  • Ceri Ellis-Jones is a Senior Crown Prosecutor specialising in rape and serious sexual offences for the CPS Cymru-Wales Rape and Serious Sexual Offences (RASSO) unit.
  • Neil Frederick Foden (DOB: 23/08/1957) is from Old Colwyn in Colwyn Bay.
  • He was sentenced on 1 July at Mold Crown Court to 17 years' imprisonment and placed on the sex offenders register for life. A sexual harm prevention order was made for life and a restraining order for 10 years was also made. 
  • Neil Frederick Foden was found guilty of:
    • Sexual activity with a child x12
    • Causing or inciting a child to engage in sexual activity
    • Attempt arrange the commission of a child sex offence
    • Sexual communication with a child
    • Sexual activity with a child by a person in a position of trust x2
    • Possessing indecent photographs of a child for show
    • Sexual assault of a child under 13
  • The Rape & Sexual Abuse Support Centre (RASASC) in North Wales offer specialist support to children, young people and adults.
  • Amethyst Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) North Wales offers support from their Independent Sexual Violence Advisers (ISVAs) and Young People Sexual Violence Advisers (CYPSVAs).

Further reading

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