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Swansea Imam sentenced for historic child rape

|News, Sexual offences

A religious leader of a Swansea Mosque has been sentenced at Swansea Crown Court for rape and sexual assault of a child nearly 20 years ago.

Khandaker Rahman, 67, had been conducting Koran lessons at the Mosque when he committed three separate offences against the child.  

Rahman had denied the offences but when the trial was heard in June 2022 his failing health meant he was legally not fit to plead, so the jury were not asked to consider whether he was guilty but instead were asked to decide if he had committed the physical acts.

After they had heard all the evidence the jury decided that Rahman had committed the three acts.

Lucy Dowdall of the CPS said: “The victim in this case showed tremendous courage coming forward, knowing the position of power Rahman held within the community.

“The passage of time and Rahman’s ill health did not deter us from bringing this case to Court and giving the victim a voice.

“Our thanks go out to her for the unwavering support she has shown to this prosecution.” 

Khandaker Rahman was sentenced to an absolute discharge. 

Notes to editors

  • Lucy Dowdall is a Senior Crown Prosecutor in the CPS Cymru-Wales Rape and Serious Sexual Offences (RASSO) team.
  • Khandaker Mohammed Khalilur Rahman (DOB: 1/6/1955) was found to have committed one offence of rape of a child under 13 years old, and two offences of sexual assault of a child under 13 years old between 1 April 2005 and 1 September 2005.
  • Sentence took place at Swansea Crown Court on 19 September 2022.

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