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Armley man sentenced for infecting his partner with HIV

|News, Violent crime

A man who knowingly infected his partner with HIV has pleaded guilty to causing grievous bodily harm and has been sentenced at Leeds Crown Court to three years and four months in prison.

The victim met Daniel Shaw on a dating website in July 2021 and began a relationship with him.

At no point did he mention his HIV status to her, and the couple always had unprotected sex.

Within a few weeks, she began to have doubts about the relationship which led her to undertake a google search for the defendant. This revealed a media report about a sentencing hearing which referred to Shaw’s HIV status. This caused her, understandably, immense distress.

Shortly afterwards, the victim was taken ill, and diagnosed with HIV during treatment in hospital.

Claire Macdonald from the CPS said: "Shaw’s reckless actions will affect the victim for the rest of her life. She now has to live with her HIV status which will have a significant psychological impact on her lifestyle and any future relationship.

Shaw has admitted his guilt and has been sentenced to over three years in prison. Our thoughts remain with the victim."

Notes to editors

  • Daniel Shaw DOB 13/2/80
  • Claire Macdonald is a Senior Crown prosecutor with CPS Yorkshire and Humberside.

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