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Defendant convicted after assaulting an emergency worker

|News, Violent crime

A thug has pleaded guilty to assaulting an emergency worker following widespread disorder in Rotherham. 

Joshua Simpson, 26, of no registered address, admitted to kicking a riot officer's shield and was convicted at Sheffield Magistrates’ Court today.

Jonathan Storer, from CPS Yorkshire and Humberside said: “These aren’t protests, these are acts of unacceptable violence and we have worked around the clock to ensure those involved are hauled before the courts as quickly as possible.

“We are unequivocally clear: Whatever your motivation for targeting police, inciting hatred or wreaking havoc on your community, you will face the full force of the law.

“The wheels of justice are rapidly turning and Simpson will now live with the consequences of his  actions for the rest of his life.”

Stephen Parkinson, Director of Public Prosecutions, said: “Our prosecutors are continuing to work closely with police to build the strongest possible cases, making rapid charging decisions and getting those involved in these shameful acts of violence and thuggery before the courts as quickly as possible.

“The work of the criminal justice system will continue in overdrive over the coming days to build the cases against the people who have been arrested and to identify the many others who have been involved.

“Justice is coming for those who have rained chaos on their local streets and to secure this, the CPS will act swiftly, working alongside our partners in the criminal justice system.”


Notes to editors

  • The Director of Public Prosecutions has instructed prosecutors to authorise criminal charges immediately once police present the minimum evidence needed to meet the threshold for a charge, so those arrested can be put before the courts without delay.
  • The CPS has deployed extra lawyers– including dozens of prosecutors on call over the weekend – to bolster our 24/7 out-of-hours charging service and make sure there is sufficient capacity to charge suspects at any time of day in every part of the country. 

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