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Criminal cases prosecuted by the CPS are in the news every day, along with a range of issues relating to our work – from violence against women and girls and hate crime, to support for victims and witnesses, statistics and speeches.

To ensure greater openness in the reporting of criminal proceedings, the CPS, the police and media representatives developed a joint protocol for working together.

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Showing 31 - 40 of 81 results for area "Wessex"

McDonald’s supervisor guilty of sexual assault

A McDonald’s supervisor who inappropriately touched a teenage trainee while alone with her in the fast-food chain’s freezer section, has been convicted of sexual assault.

| Press Release , Sexual offences , Wessex News

Four men jailed for murdering Frazer Brabant

Four men have been jailed (14 July 2023) at Winchester Crown Court for brutally attacking Frazer Brabant in October 2019, who died three months later from his horrific injuries.

| Press Release , Violent crime , Wessex News

New approach to prosecuting adult rape cases in CPS Wessex leads to more cases being charged

New figures from CPS internal data shows that the number of rape-flagged cases being referred to prosecutors in CPS Wessex has increased and a fifth more are being charged.

| Press Release , Sexual offences , Wessex News

Swindon man jailed for rape

A man from Swindon has been jailed for eight years at Swindon Crown Court having admitted raping a woman.

Angus Corrie, 21, attacked the woman who was visiting his home with friends after a night out in Swindon in October last year.

| Press Release , Sexual offences , Wessex News

Millwall fan receives football banning order for homophobic slurs towards Bournemouth fans

A so-called football fan has been banned from football matches and fined for homophobic abuse of Bournemouth fans.

| Press Release , Wessex News

Millwall fan receives football banning order for homophobic slurs towards Bournemouth fans

A so-called football fan has been banned from football matches and fined for homophobic abuse of Bournemouth fans.

| Press Release , CPS, Wessex News

CPS Wessex: National Stalking Awareness Week and Successful Stalking Prosecutions

During National Stalking Awareness Week, we are raising awareness of stalking behaviours and the work we are doing to ensure offenders are brought to justice.

| News Item , Wessex News

Three imprisoned in one of Britain’s largest dark web drugs cases

Three criminals who used the dark web to distribute counterfeit drugs have been jailed today (31 March 2023) in one of the biggest operations of its kind. 

| Press Release , Fraud and economic crime , CPS, Wessex News

Metropolitan police officer jailed for having extreme image on his mobile phone

A police officer with the Metropolitan Police has been sentenced today (17 March 2023) at Portsmouth Crown Court after an extreme pornographic image was found on his phone.

| Press Release , Cyber / online crime , Wessex News

Christchurch man jailed for harassing woman with messages and videos on social media

A man from Christchurch was sent to prison yesterday (15 March 2023) at Southampton Magistrates’ Court after he admitted harassing a woman by sending her over a hundred messages and videos via Facebook Messenger.

| Press Release , Cyber / online crime , Wessex News

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  • Content that explains the role of the CPS and how we work
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