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Man jailed for rape and sexual assault of a child

|News, Sexual offences

A man who raped and sexually assaulted an eight-year-old child in the 1980s has been jailed.

Devistal Lansiquot, 56, who appeared at Kingston-Upon-Thames Crown Court today, has been sentenced to 11 years' imprisonment for raping and sexually assaulting a child over a two-year period in the1980s.

The offender abused a position of trust to sexually abuse the child and forced her into silence with threats to tell her family. The abuse only stopped in 1985 when the offender was sent to prison in relation to another offence.

The victim reported these incidents to the police. The offender denied the offences and maintained his innocence until the first morning of trial when he entered guilty pleas to three counts of rape and four indecent assaults against a child.

Momata Matin, Senior Crown Prosecutor from the Rape and Serious Sexual Offences Unit in London South said: "Lansiquot is a sexual predator, who had no regard to the victim who was a child. 

"The abuse has clearly had a profound impact on the victim. I would like to highlight the bravery of the victim and thank her, the witnesses, and the prosecution team, for helping bring Lansiquot to justice.

“Sexual offences are some of the most traumatic and complex cases to prosecute, and the CPS will bring offenders to justice where there is the evidence." 

Notes to editors

  • Devistal Lansiquot (D.O.B.: 11 April 1967) has previous convictions
  • Momata Matin is a Senior Crown Prosecutor from the Rape and Serious Sexual Offences Unit in London South.

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