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24 October 2018

Code for Crown Prosecutors 2018 - downloadable version and translations

The Code for Crown Prosecutors 2018 is available to download in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. All currently-available translations of the Code can be found below.

Policy and Guidance, Business Information

23 October 2018

CPS Response to HMCPSI Area Assurance Inspection of CPS London South – October 2018

Her Majesty's Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate (HMCPSI) has today [23 October 2018] issued a report following its inspection of the performance of CPS London South. This is the CPS response.

CPS responses to HMCPSI

CPS Response to HMCPSI Area Assurance Inspection of CPS London North – October 2018

Her Majesty's Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate (HMCPSI) has today [23 October 2018] issued a report following its inspection of the performance of CPS London North. This is the CPS response.

CPS responses to HMCPSI

16 October 2018

Hate crime report 2017-2018

This is the tenth Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) hate crime report, and brings together information on CPS performance in prosecuting racist and religious hate crime, homophobic and transphobic crime, crimes against the older person and disability hate crime.

Equality and diversity, CPS operational information

09 October 2018

CPS response to Joint HMCPSI and HMICFRS inspection report: Handling of Cases Involving Disability Hate Crime

Inspectors from HM CPS Inspectorate and HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services analysed the handling of disability hate crime cases by the police and CPS. This is the CPS response to the report.

CPS responses to HMCPSI

24 August 2018

CPS case outcomes by principal offence category March 2018

National Summary Area reports

Case Outcomes, Performance management and case outcomes, CPS operational information

CPS case outcomes by principal offence category February 2018

National Summary Area reports

CPS operational information, Performance management and case outcomes, Case Outcomes

CPS case outcomes by principal offence category January 2018

National Summary Area reports

CPS operational information, Case Outcomes, Performance management and case outcomes

25 July 2018

Obscene Publications - for consultation

This Legal Guidance identifies potential offences for prosecutors to consider when dealing with “obscene publications”, before focusing on the Obscene Publications Act 1959 itself. It provides guidance on the provisions in general and in particular how prosecutors should approach the question of “obscenity”.

Policy and Guidance

Joint National Disclosure Improvement Plan – June update

In January 2018 the CPS, National Police Chiefs’ Council and the College of Policing released the Joint National Disclosure Improvement Plan. The plan sets out the actions that we are taking, and will take, to improve how the criminal justice system deals with disclosure.

Policy and Guidance


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