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Showing 201 - 210 of 1674 results

20 November 2020

Audit and Risk Committee Minutes - April 2020

Committee Members

Minutes of meetings

12 November 2020

CPS Response to HMCPSI Inspection of CPS Information Management

HMCPSI has today (12 November 2020) published a report into the work of the CPS in relation to information management.

CPS responses to HMCPSI

10 November 2020

Appeal Committee Ruling 2 of 2020 - R v D

The case of [REDACTED] and others was listed for PTPH in [REDACTED] at [REDACTED]. The subject of the appeal is in relation to the ongoing multi-defendant case of [REDACTED] and specifically the non-payment of defendant uplifts in respect of the guilty plea entered at PTPH on [REDACTED] by [REDACTED].

Fees Bulletin, CPS operational information

04 November 2020

Protocol for Liaison and Information Exchange when criminal proceedings coincide with Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews in England

This Protocol is between the Local Safeguarding Partnerships (LSP), the Crown Prosecution Service (“CPS”) and the National Police Chiefs’ Council (“NPCC”).

Agreements with Other Agencies

22 October 2020

CPS Response to HMCPSI follow up Inspection of the Victim Communication Liaison Scheme: Letters to Victims

HMCPSI has today [22 October 2020] published a follow up report into the standard of our letters to victims under the Victim Communication Liaison Scheme.

CPS responses to HMCPSI

CPS data summary Quarter 1 2020-2021

COVID-19 has had a significant impact on the Criminal Justice System (CJS). For context, ‘lockdown’ measures were announced in the Prime Minister’s 23 March statement on COVID-19, priority courts were put in place from 30 March, the CPS issued its Interim Charging Protocol on 1 April, and guidance on the application of the Public Interest test was issued on 14 April to manage demand on the CJS, requiring prosecutors to consider the impact of the pandemic when deciding whether charges are in the public interest.

CPS operational information, Performance management and case outcomes

08 October 2020

CPS Hate Crime Newsletter, Issue 26

Welcome to the hate crime newsletter The National Hate Crime Awareness Week team is to be congratulated for ensuring the event takes place again this year starting on October 10th. The event provides a much-needed opportunity to celebrate the positive, join with upstanders and commit to continuing our joint efforts to tackle hate crime, for all our futures.

Public Accountability and Inclusion

05 October 2020

Letter from the DPP to the Attorney General on agreements made under Sections 71 to 74 of SOCPA 2005 covering the period 1 May 2019 to 30 April 2020

Max Hill QC
Director of Public Prosecutions Rt Hon Suella Braverman QC MP
Attorney General 2 October 2020 Dear Attorney,

SOCPA Information

29 September 2020

CPS Response to HMCPSI 2020 Charging Inspection: A thematic review of the quality and timeliness of charging decisions

HMCPSI has today (29 September 2020) published a report into the work of the CPS in relation to the quality and timeliness of charging decisions.

CPS responses to HMCPSI

30 July 2020

Dreisio a Throseddau Rhyw Difrifol (RASSO) 2025

Dyma ein strategaeth ar dreisio a throseddau rhyw difrifol (RASSO) ar gyfer y pum mlynedd nesaf.

CPS operational information


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