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Burglar jailed for running over homeowner with her own car

|News, Violent crime

A 41-year old-man has been sentenced to seven years and 11 months' imprisonment for running over a 68-year-old woman who tried to stop him stealing her car in Horwich in February this year.

On 27 February 2022 Gary Foulkes, from Bolton, entered a house on Church Street, Horwich through an unlocked door. He was interrupted by the homeowner and made off with her handbag.

After searching the handbag and finding keys to a Volkswagen T-Roc, he discarded the bag nearby and returned to the house.

The homeowner saw him get into her car and tried to stop him driving away by closing the gate and standing in the driveway whilst calling for help.

A neighbour heard the engine revving and then saw the car accelerate towards the woman before driving over her and through her gate.

She received serious injuries including multiple facial bone fractures, a head injury with a bleed on her brain and multiple pelvic bone fractures which required surgery.

When he was arrested, police officers found he was in possession of a knife.

When faced with the overwhelming evidence against him he pleaded guilty to burglary, theft of the car, inflicting grievous bodily harm and possession of a bladed article.

In her statement the woman said she cannot believe the injuries she received through no fault of her own. She fears she may not be able to do all the things she enjoys and feels frightened in her own home. The incident has also had a huge impact on her partner who experienced the horror of finding her injured on the road and has had to care for her.

Ben Collinson for the CPS said: "Gary Foulkes was prepared to go to any lengths to steal a car, including deliberately driving over someone.

"He caused the homeowner serious life changing injuries and could easily have killed her with his reckless actions.

"I hope following the sentence, she will no longer feel afraid in her own home and can move on knowing that justice has been served."

Notes to editors

  • Ben Collinson is a District Crown Prosecutor for CPS North West.

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