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Police officer convicted of misconduct


A Metropolitan Police officer has been convicted of misconduct in public office after stealing money from an Italian filmmaker who sadly died while visiting London.

Craig Carter, 51, pleaded guilty to taking money from the tourist's wallet after they collapsed and passed away on a visit to the capital in 2022.

He will be sentenced at Wood Green Crown Court on September 13.

Tetteh Turkson, of the Crown Prosecution Service, said: “The vast majority of police officers are viewed by members of the public as trustworthy, responsible and upstanding members of our society. Craig Carter fell woefully short of these expectations.

“The fact Carter thought he could freely steal from a victim who had sadly passed away is not only disturbing, but deeply disrespectful to the victim's family. Our thoughts remain with them at this time.

“After collaborative work from the CPS and Metropolitan Police Service, Carter was left with no option but to plead guilty and face the consequences of his actions.”

Notes to editors

  • Craig Carter [25/05/1973] pleaded guilty to one count of misconduct in a public office at Wood Green Crown Court. He will be sentenced at the same court on September 13, 2024.

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