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Deliveroo driver who bit off customer’s thumb sentenced

|News, Violent crime

A Deliveroo driver who bit off customer's thumb during an altercation over pizza has been sentenced today.

Jeniffer Rocha, 35, attacked Stephen Jenkinson in Aldershot, Hampshire, when he was unable to provide a pick-up code for the delivery his partner had ordered.

The victim described Rocha launching into a brutal assault and “raining punches” onto his head.

In an act of self-defence, Mr Jenkinson said that as he raised his hand to push her away, Rocha bit into his thumb.

Mr Jenkinson suffered extensive injuries to his thumb, requiring an 11-hour skin graft surgery to repair it.

Prosecutors from CPS Wessex set out to prove that Rocha’s actions were wholly disproportionate, leading her to plead guilty to inflicting grievous bodily harm on 19 March 2024 ahead of trial.

She was sentenced at Salisbury Crown Court on 5 July 2024 to 16 months' imprisonment, suspended for 18 months.

John Hepworth, a District Crown Prosecutor with CPS Wessex, said: “Mr Jenkinson has suffered from life changing injuries, the impact of which cannot be understated. This attack has permanently altered his life.

“Jeniffer Rocha’s assault far exceeded that of any force necessary and her conduct was completely unacceptable.

“This is a serious offence and I hope that today's sentence sends a clear message that the CPS will not tolerate this behaviour.

“I want to thank Mr Jenkinson for his support in the prosecution and wish him all the best in his recovery.”

Notes to editors

  • Jeniffer Lorrayne Gomes Rocha (DOB: 15/02/1989) of Aldershot, Hampshire, pleaded guilty to one count of inflicting grievous bodily harm at Winchester Crown Court on 19 March 2024. 
  • She was sentenced to 16 months' imprisonment, suspended for 18 months on 5 July 2024 at Salisbury Crown Court. 
  • She was also ordered to attend 25 Rehabilitation Activity Requirement days. 
  • John Hepworth is a District Crown Prosecutor with CPS Wessex.

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