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Man who raped and assaulted women while they slept jailed

|News, Sexual offences

A Merseyside man has been sentenced for a series of rapes and sexual assaults committed against two women over a period of 15 years.

Alan Pickering
Alan Pickering

Alan Pickering, 42, of Procter Road in Rock Ferry,  raped and sexually assaulted the women, often when they were asleep.

The assaults ranged from touching to rape and the women often only knew what was happening to them when they woke up. The women said the assaults often happened after they had refused Pickering sex beforehand.

They told police that they often wondered if they had dreamt what had happened. But they also challenged him about his behaviour and asked him to stop doing it.

The woman described keeping the assaults and rapes to themselves through shame, bewilderment and fear. Pickering could be charming when he wanted to be. 

The assaults happened mainly in Merseyside, but others occurred in Cheshire.

Pickering was left in no doubt that the women had not wanted the sexual contact but he just carried on anyway. The women suffered anxiety and depression in the years that followed the assaults. It was friends that they told that persuaded them that what had happened was wrong and that they should report it to the police.

As the reports of Pickering’s assaults came in, the police noticed a similar pattern of offending. Pickering was arrested and charged with 20 sexual assaults, including several rapes.

He was convicted after trial of nine of the offences. On 28 November 2023 at Liverpool Crown Court, he was sentenced to 15 years in prison and an extended licence period of four years. In victim personal statements the victims spoke of the mental struggles they’ve had, to come to terms with what happened to them. The CPS successfully applied to the court for a restraining order to stop Pickering ever contacting the women again. He must also sign onto the sexual offenders register for an indefinite period.

Senior Crown Prosecutor Karen Nolan said: “Alan Pickering thought nothing of the feelings of these women when he ignored their wishes.

“He went ahead with sexual activity when they were either asleep and couldn’t consent or when they had clearly said no. That is a crime.

“He repeated his behaviour with these women. They found the courage to stand up to him and report what he was doing to the police. The Crown Prosecution Service would like to thank them for their bravery and tenacity. Without them, there wouldn’t have been a prosecution and Pickering would still be at large.

“We applied for and were granted special measures to help these women give their best evidence, without having to face their abuser in court. The CPS also applied for a restraining order to make sure he can never contact them again. This too was granted by the court.

“We hope the successful resolution of this case helps them as they move forward with their lives.”

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