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Serial child abuser gets 35-year sentence

|News, Sexual offences

A serious and persistent child sex offender has been given a 35-year sentence for a number of non-recent offences against two young boys.

Pic of Raymond Hawthorne
Raymond Hawthorne

Raymond Hawthorne, 59,  was jailed yesterday (14 May 2024) at Liverpool Crown Court following a trial in March 2024.

Hawthorne groomed and sexually abused the children between 1988 and 1995 when Hawthorne lived on the Wirral in Merseyside. The offending was prolonged and serious and included touching the children, sexual assault and rape over many years.

He gained the trust of the children's parents and offered to help them by looking after the children on occasion. He repeatedly abused this trust. Hawthorne plied the children with gifts and money, took them on trips or to his own home so that he could get them on their own. As the children got older he gave them drink and drugs. On several occasions, one of the victims was drugged without their knowledge and sexually abused whilst unconscious.

The trial heard that Hawthorne has a history of running a child prostitution ring and committing sexual offences against children. He denied the offences throughout this latest case but was found guilty on 14 out of 17 counts.

He was sentenced to 35 years – 27 years in jail and eight years on extended licence.

Sentencing, the Judge said Hawthorne continued to have no insight into his offending and no remorse. He attacked the credibility and honesty of his victims during the trial, continuing their distress.

District Crown Prosecutor Olivia Murray, a specially-trained lawyer in CPS Mersey-Cheshire’s Rape and Serious Sexual Offences (RASSO) unit, said: “Raymond Hawthorne is a serial and serious paedophile who continues to have no remorse for his own offending or the harm that it has done to his victims.

“He deliberately targeted his victims and gained the trust of both them and their parents. He then groomed them by giving them presents and treats, deliberately isolating them so that he could commit the sexual abuse.

“He gave them drink and drugs and had no interest in the distress and trauma he was inflicting on them.

“Raymond Hawthorne has now been brought to justice. The Crown Prosecution Service worked hard to ensure that the victims were helped and supported through the prosecution. We would like to thank them for their courage and determination.”

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