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Speeding driver convicted of death by dangerous driving in Tottenham

|News, Violent crime

A speeding driver who killed an elderly pedestrian in a hit and run has been convicted.

Anop Singh, 31, knocked over 72-year-old John Heneghan as he crossed the road before driving over him and making off in Tottenham on 12 August 2017.

Mr Heneghan had been enjoying an evening out with friends before travelling home together on the same bus. Shortly after he got off the bus, his friends recalled hearing screeching brakes and seeing something soaring past the bus window. When they got off the bus they realised that it was their friend who lay seriously injured in the road. 

The force of the collision had caused the windscreen of Singh’s car to be completely stoved in. Despite sustaining an injury to his eye, and being unable to see clearly out of the badly damaged windscreen, Singh chose to drive off and, in doing so, drove over Mr Heneghan’s body as he fled.

Paramedics were called and Mr Heneghan was pronounced dead at the scene shortly before 2am having suffered catastrophic injuries. 

Singh called the police later the same day and told them that his rented VW Golf appeared to be parked on his driveway and was significantly damaged. He said that he had no knowledge as to how the car had got there, despite having the keys to the car in his possession, as he claimed to have been asleep in the rear of the vehicle at the relevant time. He also claimed not to know who the driver was. 

Singh had a visible eye injury and received medical attention for it. It was noted that he had glass particles around his eye. He was then arrested but in interview with the police he chose to make no comment to all questions asked.

Today (Wednesday, 11 May 2022 ) at Wood Green Crown Court Singh was found guilty of causing death by dangerous driving and a separate count of dangerous driving which was pursued in order to reflect the fact that Singh drove a considerable distance home when the car was in a dangerous condition post collision. He had previously been found guilty of perverting the course of justice in an earlier linked trial. 

He will be sentenced at the same court on Friday, 13 May. 

Catherine Gould, from the CPS, said: “Three friends were out in Tottenham enjoying each other’s company, but their night ended tragically. John Heneghan, known affectionately as ‘Frank’ died just moments after getting off a bus on his way home. 

“Anop Singh ran into him as he crossed the road and in attempting to leave the scene drove over Frank’s body as he lay injured. His actions have caused immeasurable distress to Frank’s loved ones who have been present throughout these proceedings and have witnessed for themselves the numerous lies Singh has told in a desperate attempt to save himself. 

“Singh had claimed that he was not the driver involved in the hit and run. However, a thorough police investigation clearly showed Singh driving the VW Golf during the course of the evening to a pub and a club with friends. Careful analysis of telephone data, CCTV images and forensic work ensured that there was no doubt that Singh was the driver despite his claims that a mystery man had collected the car just before the collision occurred.

“I hope that this conviction provides some sense of justice to Frank’s family and friends. Our thoughts remain with them at this time.”

Notes to editors

  • Anop Singh (DOB: 5/10/1990) is from Clapton in the London borough of Hackney. 
  • Catherine Gould is a Senior Crown Prosecutor within the London Homicide unit in CPS London North. 

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