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So-called football fan guilty of headbutting football pundit Roy Keane

|News, Violent crime

A so-called football fan who headbutted pundit and former Manchester United captain Roy Keane has been convicted.

Scott Law, 43, was found guilty of assault and sentenced to a 12 month community order following a trial at Highbury Magistrates’ Court. He was also given a three year Football Banning Order, and will pay costs of £650 and a £114 victim surcharge.

Law headbutted Mr Keane towards the end of a Premier League game between Arsenal and Manchester United, played at the Emirates Stadium on 3 September 2023.

After a Manchester United goal was disallowed towards the end of the match, Mr Keane was on his way to the pitch to complete his punditry duties and the full-time analysis.

Law confronted Mr Keane and forcefully headbutted him, causing bruising to his upper chest. Mr Keane suffered further bruising to his left arm, after making contact with the doors he fell into, as a result of the impact of the blow.

Having initially been detained by a witness, Law then fled the scene before handing himself into police the following day.

Kevin Christie, Crown Prosecution Service London North Football Lead Prosecutor, said: “This gratuitous and senseless act of violence was completely unacceptable.

“When anyone attends a football match, either to work or to support a team, they should be able to feel safe and secure in that environment.

“The Crown Prosecution Service works in close partnership with the police to ensure that all perpetrators of violence at football grounds are brought to justice.”

Notes to editors

  • Scott Law [05/02/1981] is from Waltham Abbey, Essex
  • Kevin Christie is a District Crown Prosecutor for Crown Prosecution Service London North, and is also the Area’s Football Lead Prosecutor

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