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Criminal cases prosecuted by the CPS are in the news every day, along with a range of issues relating to our work – from violence against women and girls and hate crime, to support for victims and witnesses, statistics and speeches.

To ensure greater openness in the reporting of criminal proceedings, the CPS, the police and media representatives developed a joint protocol for working together.

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Showing 11 - 20 of 502 results for area "CPS"

People smuggler gets nearly a year extra time in jail for failing to payback over £65,000 of criminal profits in the Essex lorry deaths case

Today (11 July 2024) at Margate Magistrates’ Court, Gheorghe Nica, 46, was ordered to serve a further eleven and half months imprisonment after failing to payback £65,157.65 which he was ordered to pay in a proceeds of crime confiscation hearing.

| Press Release , Proceeds of crime , CPS News

Drug dealer who sold deadly ‘weight loss pills’ pays back £23,000 in first Monero cryptocurrency payout

A British man convicted of selling a deadly substance that was falsely marketed as a ‘weight loss’ drug has been forced to hand over £23,000 that he made from his crime.

| Press Release , Proceeds of crime , CPS News

Murder of Lorna England, man found guilty

A man from Exmouth has been convicted of the murder of Lorna England, who was stabbed to death as she walked home through Ludwell Valley Park in Exeter.

| Press Release , Violent crime , CPS, South West News

Operation Stovewood: Rotherham limousine driver guilty of sexually abusing young girls

A former limousine driver who systematically groomed and abused young girls in the Rotherham area over a decade, has today been convicted of child sex abuse offences.

| Press Release , Sexual offences , CPS News

Man convicted of taking bomb to hospital and planning attack on RAF base

A student nurse who took a pressure cooker bomb to a hospital and planned a terrorist attack on an RAF base has been found guilty.

| Press Release , Terrorism , CPS News

Lucy Letby found guilty of attempting to murder baby following retrial

Convicted child murderer Lucy Letby has been found guilty of trying to kill another baby in the neonatal unit where she worked.

| Press Release , Violent crime , CPS, Mersey-Cheshire News

Gang leader jailed for large-scale Class A importation and drug supply

A ringleader who organised the importation and supply of Class A drugs disguised in printer ink has today (27 June 2024) been jailed at Isleworth Crown Court.

| Press Release , International and organised crime , CPS News

CPS Statement: Decision not to charge in relation to fatal collision at The Study Prep School, Wimbledon

Jaswant Narwal, Chief Crown Prosecutor with oversight of the Crown Prosecution Service London Homicide Unit, said:

| Press Release , Driving offences , CPS, London North News

UK Julian Assange Extradition Case Concludes

By an agreement reached between the US Justice Department and Julian Assange, Mr Assange left the UK yesterday, following arrangements facilitated by the Crown Prosecution Service.

| Press Release , International and organised crime , CPS News

A lawyer has been imprisoned for defrauding the Legal Aid Agency

A barrister and part-time immigration tribunal judge has been jailed for defrauding the Legal Aid Agency, along with other lawyers, by falsely claiming defence legal costs.

| Press Release , Fraud and economic crime , CPS News

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  • Content that explains the role of the CPS and how we work
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