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Man jailed for burgling Dynasty star

|News, Violent crime

A man has been jailed for a total of 10 years and five months after pleading guilty to an aggravated burglary at actress Stephanie Beacham’s home, as well as a separate burglary in Sheffield.

David Wilson, 57 broke into Ms Beacham’s home in Bayswater on September 25th last year and forced the 75-year-old actress to hand over money and jewellery.

Southwark Crown Court heard how the Dynasty star no longer feels safe in her home and has trouble learning her lines after being threatened with a jemmy – a bar with a claw at the end.

Rebecca Manning, CPS prosecutor, said: “Wilson put Ms Beacham in fear of her safety, and stole items valuable and precious from her.

“She had every right to feel safe in her own home. I hope with this strong sentence that Ms Beacham can feel that justice has been done, and that she can move on with her life after such a horrific ordeal.”

“We know that burglary is also an offence that plagues our wider community, and I can say that prosecuting such cases on behalf of our community – whoever the victim(s) happens to be – is an absolute priority for the CPS. We will do everything within our power to bring offenders to justice and recover ill-gotten gains.”

Notes to editors

  • David Wilson 29/01/1966 originally of Glasgow
  • Rebecca Manning is a Senior Crown Prosecutor for London South
  • The London South Crown Court Unit is a dedicated team, serving the South London, Westminster and City of London communities, prosecuting a wide range of cases deemed too serious or complex to be dealt with in the magistrates’ courts. These cases include conspiracy to murder, attempted murders (requiring the existence of an intention to kill), armed robberies, complex frauds, other serious assaults, some sexual offences (falling short rape and serious sexual offences which are dealt with by another specialist Unit), major public disorder, firearms offences and offences involving the trafficking and supply of drugs. The casework is often high-profile and the Unit frequently prosecutes large scale conspiracies to commit offences, multi-defendant trials and cases involving significant gang activity or other serious organised crime.

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