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How to make a request under the Data Protection Act 2018

To make a request, please contact the Data Protection Compliance Unit at [email protected] or write to us the address below:

Data Protection Compliance Unit
Crown Prosecution Service
102 Petty France

You can also call us on 0203 357 1276

There is no requirement for a request to be made in writing. However, to assist you and the CPS, a form of request is available for you to use to submit your request: Form of request - DPA 2018

This form should not be used for a ‘right of access’ request. If you wish to obtain a copy of your personal information please refer your request to the Information Access Team.

When will I receive a response to my request?

We have one calendar month to respond to your request from the date we receive it and in each case we will explain the reasons for any decisions we have made and provide you with the contact details of our data protection officer and the contact details of the Information Commissioner should you wish to make a complaint. We will also inform you of your right to seek a judicial remedy.

If we amend your changes we will write to any recipients we have shared this information with and ask them to amend their information accordingly.

If we receive many requests from you at the same time or we believe that the request is complex we can extend the time limit by two months. We must tell you within one month of receiving your request if this is the case and include our reasons for doing so.

What happens if you refuse my request?

We can refuse a request or charge a fee for if we believe a request to be repetitive or unfounded but we must let you know why we think this is the case.

There are some situations when we do not need to tell you why we are handling your personal information, or we may not give you all of your privacy information because we believe that doing so, would prejudice (harm) the detection, investigation or prosecution of a crime or that providing the information would be impossible or involve disproportionate effort. This is known as an exemption.

We must tell you if an exemption is in place unless doing so in itself would prejudice (harm) the investigation or prosecution of a crime. Even if we do not provide our reasons, we must inform you about the process of raising a complaint with the Information Commissioner or taking matters to court.

If you are unhappy with this response and the decisions made, you are entitled to contact the Information Commissioner’s Office at:

Wycliffe House
Water Lane

Email: [email protected]

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