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CPS colleagues recognised in Birthday Honours list


Congratulations to our two colleagues who have been recognised for their contribution to the justice system in the Birthday Honours List published on 16 June 2023.

Varinder Hayre, District Crown Prosecutor for CPS London, is made an OBE for services to law and order.

Varinder Hayre manages prosecutors at Thames Magistrates’ Court, one of the busiest in the country. She took it upon herself to create large amounts of legal guidance to support the delivery of priorities, including prosecuting hate crime, knife crime, and handling domestic abuse cases when victims are often too intimidated to give evidence. She has provided helpful guides for police officers so that they know how to strengthen case files, leading to increasing the number of guilty pleas at court.

In 2021, Varinder successfully obtained one of the first Knife Crime Prevention Orders for a high-ranking gang member from one of the most challenging and violent areas of London, significantly managing the risk he posed. This achievement represented a significant landmark.

She recently received a formal police commendation for her tenacity and for always working above what is required in her role. She has considerably improved the service provided to victims and increased successful outcomes in court, helping to increase public confidence in the criminal justice system. She is an exceptional legal manager, leader and an outstanding legal trainee supervisor.

Varinder said: “I take enormous pride in my leadership role with the CPS, which gave me the opportunity to work with our criminal justice partners and I am very grateful for the recognition of my hard work and passion in delivering justice to the victims of crime and various communities that we serve.”

Lawrence English, formerly Head of the Rape and Serious Sexual Offences (RASSO) Team in CPS West Midlands, is made an OBE for services to law and order.

Lawrence English was instrumental in providing input into the drafting of the 2017 Domestic Abuse Bill. Following this, he returned to leading one of the largest RASSO units in the country at CPS West Midlands, which covers five police forces. Through his vigour and dedication he positively transformed the experience for victims and witnesses. His input and skills have provided a solid platform to develop and transform CPS’s services to victims, including piloting new ways to communicate with victims. Lawrence has spent the past decade driving real change and improved the experience of all who come into contact with the RASSO team. 

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