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CPS statement on sentencing of four people for jury tampering


Four defendants were sentenced today (27 January 2023) at the Central Criminal Court for conspiracy to pervert the course of justice after attempting to influence the outcome of a jury trial at Warwick Crown Court in 2018.

  • Leslie Allen, 66, of Coventry was sentenced to five years' imprisonment.
  • Damien Drackley, 37, of Nuneaton was sentenced to four years' imprisonment.
  • Lorraine Frisby, 55, of Birmingham, was sentenced to two years and three months' imprisonment.
  • Mark Walker, 57, of Coventry was sentenced, but this was later rescinded by the court. He will be sentenced on Thursday 2nd February at Isleworth Crown Court.   
  • A fifth defendant, Laurence Hayden, 53, of Coventry, will be sentenced at a later date.

From December: Four men convicted of jury tampering

Neil Fielding of the CPS said: “The sentences passed today reflect the gravity of the offences committed by these defendants and will hopefully deter others from seeking to interfere with the outcome of a jury trial and reassure the public that such matters will be fully investigated and prosecuted where there is sufficient evidence.

"Together they made a concerted effort to change the outcome of the original trial. Thankfully, the plan was thwarted due to the integrity and decisive actions of other members of the jury who drew their concerns about Drackley to the attention of the trial judge, in stark contrast to Drackley’s own behaviour, which showed a complete disregard for his duties as a juror.”

Notes to editors

  • Neil Fielding is a Specialist Prosecutor for CPS West Midlands.

Further reading

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