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Man guilty of murdering Thomas Roberts

|News, Violent crime

UPDATE: On Wednesday 25 January 2023, Lawangeen Abdulrahimzai was sentenced to life imprisonment. He will serve a minimum term of 29 years in jail.

A man has been found guilty today (23 January 2023) at Salisbury Crown Court of murdering 21-year-old Thomas Roberts.

Lawangeen Abdulrahimzai, 21, stabbed Thomas Roberts during the early hours of 12 March 2022 outside the Subway sandwich shop on the Old Christchurch Road, Bournemouth.

Thomas had been on a night out in Bournemouth. In the early hours of the morning, he left a club with a friend and they were making their way to the taxi rank. When they passed the Subway shop, Thomas and his friend noticed a Beryl e-scooter propped up against the shop front.

There was an altercation over the e-scooter between them and Abdulrahimzai, with Thomas stepping in to act as peacemaker. Abdulrahimzai squared up to Thomas, who slapped him in the face as an act of self-defence.

It was at this point that Abdulrahimzai pulled out a large knife that he was carrying and lunged towards Thomas, stabbing him twice causing fatal injuries.

Abdulrahimzai fled the scene and made his way back to his accommodation in Poole, but he was later arrested by the police having been identified after dropping his mobile phone on the corner of Horseshoe Common and through CCTV evidence.

Kate Lewis, CPS Wessex District Crown Prosecutor, said: “Abdulrahimzai is a violent and dangerous man who killed Thomas Roberts, a young man with his whole life ahead of him, in what was a completely senseless and vicious act.

“The jury heard evidence from witnesses at the scene, as well as CCTV and forensic evidence, which clearly left them sure that Abdulrahimzai was guilty of murder.

“Carrying knives has serious and deadly consequences. Having them on your person creates too much temptation to use them, and you should be left in no doubt that you will be prosecuted and brought to justice.

“Our thoughts remain with Thomas Roberts’ family, who have suffered such a tragic loss. We hope that today’s verdict will bring them a small sense of comfort.”

Notes to editors

  • Lawangeen Abdulrahimzai DOB: 07/10/2001

Further reading

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