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CPS response to HMCPSI inspection on Individual Quality Assessments


His Majesty's Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate (HMCPSI) have today issued a report, following their inspection on how the Crown Prosecution Service uses individual quality assessments (IQA) to monitor and improve casework quality.

The report provided evidence that IQA can be effective in ensuring high quality casework and delivering continuous improvement if it is operated effectively. However, HMCPSI identified a lack of compliance with guidance as well as inconsistencies and a lack of rigour in the marking of assessments and giving of feedback that undermined that effectiveness. The report has identified the need to fundamentally change to the way the CPS assesses and improves casework quality in its operational Areas and specialist casework Divisions.

We acknowledge the findings and accept the recommendation, which we will use to develop a new system for assessing casework quality in operational front-line teams. A working group will be established to consider how to achieve the recommendation.

Inspectorate’s recommendation

There is one recommendation for the CPS to address. The CPS provides its response below and will work to deliver this recommendation:

HMCPSI recommendation: The CPS should use the findings from this inspection of IQA to consider, develop and implement a new approach to how it assesses casework quality. A crucial aspect of any new approach will be strong leadership and management, ensuring accountability at the first line assurance level to drive the initiative forward.

  • By 31 July 2025 to have designed and planned a new approach.
  • By 31 March 2026 to have implemented the new approach to first line assurance of its casework quality.

CPS response: We accept the recommendation, and will establish a working group to design, develop, and implement a new model for the first line assurance of casework quality in CPS operational Areas and specialist casework Divisions. We aim to have design principles complete by summer 2025, with delivery of the new model at the start of the 2026-27 financial year.

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