CPS Response to HMCPSI follow up inspection of the recommendations made in the 2023 Inspection of CPS policy and guidance for the handling of cases involving the National Referral Mechanism
His Majesty's Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate (HMCPSI) has today issued a report following their follow up inspection of the recommendations made in the 2023 Inspection of CPS policy and guidance for the handling of cases involving the National Referral Mechanism.
The report acknowledges the significant amount of time we have spent updating and improving the key guidance to assist frontline prosecutors.
Inspectorates’ Recommendations / Issues to address
Of the four recommendations, HMCPSI has assessed recommendations 1-3 as achieved. The report finds that whilst we have achieved the first part of recommendation 4 there is more progress to be made to ensure consistency of approach across the CPS Areas, meaning the second part of this recommendation has not yet been achieved.
CPS Response: We are pleased that the Inspectorate has found that we have achieved three of the four recommendations it made 18 months ago and accept that further work is required to ensure that consistency across all CPS Areas is measurable to achieve recommendation 4. We will continue to work with the Area Modern Slavery Leads and Senior Leaders to deliver this.