National protocols and agreements with other agencies
- Disclosure of information between family and criminal agencies and jurisdictions: 2024 protocol
- Domestic Abuse Joint Justice Plan: National Police Chiefs' Council and Crown Prosecution Service
- Investigating and Prosecuting Disability Hate Crime: Best Practice
- Football Related Offences: National Police Chiefs’ Council and the Crown Prosecution Service Prosecution Policy
- Disclosure of information between family and criminal agencies and jurisdictions: 2024 protocol
- Protocol regarding the exercise of criminal jurisdiction in England and Wales between the Director of Public Prosecutions and The Director of Service Prosecutions (2023)
- Protocol between the Police Service and the Crown Prosecution Service on dealing with Third Party Material (2023)
- Protocol for the effective handling of custody time limit cases in the magistrates’ court and the Crown Court between HM Courts & Tribunals Service and the Crown Prosecution Service (March 2023)
- Police-CPS Joint National Rape Action Plan – refresh 2022
- Memorandum of Understanding between The Crown Prosecution Service, Immigration Enforcement and National Policing on Immigration Crime
- Guidance on file submissions for Full Code Test charging decisions in rape and serious sexual offences (RASSO) cases
- Memorandum of Understanding Between the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) and the National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) concerning Section 46 Sexual Offences Act 2003 (updated November 2022)
- Police-CPS Joint National RASSO (Rape and Serious Sexual Offences) Action Plan 2021
- Coronavirus Crisis: Interview Protocol between National Police Chiefs’ Council, Crown Prosecution Service, The Law Society, Criminal Law Solicitors’ Association and London Criminal Courts Solicitors’ Association
- Interim CPS Charging Protocol - COVID-19 crisis response: National Police Chiefs' Council and Crown Prosecution Service
- Protocol for Liaison and Information Exchange when criminal proceedings coincide with Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews in England
- Annual reporting from the DPP to the Attorney General on the use of Sections 71 to 74 of the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005 (SOCPA information)
- A National Protocol between the Police and Crown Prosecution Service in the Investigation and Prosecution of Offences in Relation to which the Cross-examination of a Witness will be Pre-Recorded
- Memorandum of Understanding between the Crown Prosecution Service, Chartered Institute of Legal Executives and CILEx Regulation Limited
- National Remote Link Sites Protocol - CPS, NPCC and HMCTS
- Protocol between the Association of Chief Police Officers, the Crown Prosecution Service and Her Majesty's Courts & Tribunals Service to expedite cases involving witnesses under 10 Years (updated July 2018)
- Protocol on the handling of so-called ‘Honour-Based’ Violence/Abuse and Forced Marriage Offences between the National Police Chiefs’ Council and the Crown Prosecution Service
- Protocol on the handling of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) offences between the National Police Chiefs’ Council and the Crown Prosecution Service
- General Principles to compensate overseas victims (including affected States) in bribery, corruption and economic crime cases
- Joint Protocol on the Appropriate Handling of Stalking or Harassment Offences
- National Disclosure Improvement Plan
- Serious Crime Prevention Orders - Memorandum of Understanding
- Agreement between the Crown Prosecution Service, the National Police Chiefs' Council, the Chief Coroner and the Coroners' Society of England and Wales (2016)
- Agreement for working on human trafficking cases between UK Prosecution Services
- CPS Contact Details for Defence Practitioners by CPS Area
- Reading Victim Personal Statements in Court Protocol
- Working practices on the handling of incidents falling under both criminal and football regulatory jurisdiction (updated July 2020)
- Transforming Summary Justice
- The appropriate handling of crimes in prisons: Protocol between the National Offender Management Service, the Association of Chief Police Officers and the Crown Prosecution Service, 26 February 2015
- ACPO-CPS protocol on the investigation and prosecution of allegations of rape, January 2015
- Action plan on human trafficking and slavery
- Memorandum of Understanding issued by CPS and IPCC
- CPS Direct Communication with Victims: CPS/ACPO National Framework for Local Protocols
- Memorandum of Understanding between the CPS and the Institute of Legal Executives
- War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity
- Bar/CPS Standard for Communication between Victim, Witness and the Prosecuting Advocate
- Publicity and the Criminal Justice System
- Investigation And Prosecution Of Child Abuse Cases
- The Prosecutors' Convention
- Work-Related Deaths: A protocol for liaison
- Joint Working Agreement between the Association of Chief Police Officers, the Crown Prosecution Service and NHS Protect
Disclosure of information between family and criminal agencies and jurisdictions: 2024 protocol
This protocol, between the judiciary, local authorities, police representatives, the National Police Chiefs’ Council and Crown Prosecution Service, applies to the exchange of information and material between criminal and family agencies and jurisdictions. It relates to all private and public family law proceedings, including contemplated public law proceedings, and all material held by the police.
Disclosure of information between family and criminal agencies and jurisdictions: 2024 protocol
The Domestic Abuse Joint Justice Plan: National Police Chiefs' Council and Crown Prosecution Service
Domestic abuse (DA) is a priority for policing and the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS). We recognise the devastating and long-term impact that this pervasive behaviour can have on victims and their families and children, often affecting every aspect of their lives. This is why we have committed to work together to drive improvements in our response to domestic abuse by developing a national Domestic Abuse Joint Justice Plan (DA JJP).
Domestic Abuse Joint Justice Plan: National Police Chiefs’ Council and Crown Prosecution Service
Investigating and Prosecuting Disability Hate Crime: Best Practice
This best practice guide is an essential resource for prosecutors and police officers. It provides practical insights and pointers to assist in recognising, responding to, investigating and prosecuting disability hate crimes. Drawing on the experiences of those directly affected, as well as subject matter insights from academics and those who work to support survivors of disability hate crime, this best practice guide has a dual emphasis on both a victim-centred approach, as well as an offender-centric focus.
Investigating and Prosecuting Disability Hate Crime: Best Practice
Disclosure of information between family and criminal agencies and jurisdictions: 2024 protocol
This protocol, between the judiciary, local authorities, police representatives, the National Police Chiefs’ Council and Crown Prosecution Service, applies to the exchange of information and material between criminal and family agencies and jurisdictions. It relates to all private and public family law proceedings, including contemplated public law proceedings, and all material held by the police.
Disclosure of information between family and criminal agencies and jurisdictions: 2024 protocol
Protocol regarding the exercise of criminal jurisdiction in England and Wales between the Director of Public Prosecutions and The Director of Service Prosecutions
This protocol (“the protocol”) has been agreed between the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) and the Director of Service Prosecutions (DSP) pursuant to s.320A of the Armed Forces Act 2006 (AFA 06). The primary purpose of the protocol is to provide guidance for relevant prosecutors regarding the exercise of jurisdiction in respect of conduct of a person subject to Service law which occurs when that person is in England or Wales and is punishable by the law of England and Wales (as specified in s.320A(2) AFA 06). The protocol identifies principles which are to be considered when a decision is made as to the appropriate jurisdiction in which to bring proceedings.
Protocol between the Police Service and the Crown Prosecution Service on dealing with Third Party Material (2023)
This Joint Protocol between the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) and the Police draws together the existing guidance and best practice on identifying, inspecting, reviewing, and obtaining third party material. It sets out the cooperation arrangements between the Parties in respect of the investigation, the institution and the prosecution of offences in which there is third party material and the relevant duties and functions of the investigator, the disclosure officer and the prosecutor.
Protocol for the effective handling of custody time limit cases in the magistrates’ court and the Crown Court between HM Courts & Tribunals Service and the Crown Prosecution Service (March 2023)
This protocol is an agreement between HM Courts & Tribunals Service (HMCTS) and the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS). Its purpose is to set a framework for co-operation, exchange of information, advance notification and joint working with respect to custody time limits (CTLs). It does not create legal obligations or restrictions on either party. It replaces the protocol dated 1 December 2014.
Police-CPS Joint National Rape Action Plan – refresh 2022
The Joint National Action Plan (JNAP) when it was launched in January 2021 set out a clear joint commitment by policing and the CPS to work together to deliver improvements in how rape cases are investigated and prosecuted. It was a crucial step in our journey. The JNAP is a key foundation in how we’ll get to our new operating model for investigating and prosecuting rape offences delivered under Operation Soteria.
Police-CPS Joint National Rape Action Plan – refresh 2022
Memorandum of Understanding between The Crown Prosecution Service, Immigration Enforcement and National Policing on Immigration Crime
This Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been agreed between the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) and Immigration Enforcement (IE), and where relevant National Policing. The MoU reflects the Home Office policy on investigating immigration crime within the remit of Immigration Enforcement, with support from national policing, and CPS policy in respect of the prosecution of offences and recovery of assets. It describes the co-operation arrangements between the Parties in respect of the investigation, the institution and prosecution of offences and the recovery of assets in respect of Immigration Enforcement Casework in England and Wales.
Guidance on file submissions for Full Code Test charging decisions in rape and serious sexual offences (RASSO) cases
The Director’s Guidance on Charging (6th Edition) (DG6) prescribes the material and information required for a charging decision in all case types. DG6 also sets out the arrangements for charging decisions and the joint working framework for police officers and prosecutors during the investigation and prosecution of criminal cases including e.g. the escalation process and arrangements for Early Advice. Police officers and prosecutors must comply with DG6.
Memorandum of Understanding Between the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) and the National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) concerning Section 46 Sexual Offences Act 2003 (updated November 2022)
The aim of this memorandum is to help clarify the position of those professionally involved in the management, operation or use of electronic communications networks and services who may face jeopardy for criminal offences so that they will be re- assured of protection where they are acting to combat the creation and distribution of images of child abuse. This memorandum has been created within the context of child protection, which will always take primacy.
MoU between CPS and NPCC on Section 46 Sexual Offences Act 2003
Police-CPS Joint National RASSO (Rape and Serious Sexual Offences) Action Plan 2021
This plan, which complements work already underway as part of the Joint Operational Improvement Board (JOIB), sets out how the police and the CPS will work together to improve our joint response to RASSO over the next three years.
Police-CPS Joint National RASSO (Rape and Serious Sexual Offences) Action Plan 2021
Coronavirus Crisis: Interview Protocol between National Police Chiefs’ Council, Crown Prosecution Service, The Law Society, Criminal Law Solicitors’ Association and London Criminal Courts Solicitors’ Association
This guidance is intended to assist investigators and prosecutors in deciding whether suspects should be interviewed as part of a police investigation during the Covid-19 pandemic. This guidance will be reviewed monthly as from 1 April 2020 and is intended for use only during the period of the Covid-19 crisis.
Interim CPS Charging Protocol - Covid-19 crisis response: National Police Chiefs' Council and Crown Prosecution Service
The Covid-19 outbreak presents an unprecedented crisis for the Criminal Justice System in the UK. Courts are currently unable to start any new jury or summary trials and most current trials have had to be stopped because of problems over the attendance of victims, witnesses, defendants, advocates and jurors. This interim protocol sets out how charging should be managed by the police and the CPS by identifying three categories of cases.
Protocol for Liaison and Information Exchange when criminal proceedings coincide with Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews in England
This Protocol is between the Local Safeguarding Partnerships (LSP), the Crown Prosecution Service (“CPS”) and the National Police Chiefs’ Council (“NPCC”). This protocol updates the 2014 Publication “Liaison and Information Exchange when Criminal Proceedings Coincide with Serious Case Reviews or Welsh Child Practice Reviews” which was guidance issued jointly by the (then) ACPO and the CPS, and supported by the Association of Independent LSCB Chairs.
Annual reporting from the DPP to the Attorney General on the use of Sections 71 to 74 of the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005 (SOCPA information)
In 2011, the CPS agreed to publish data on the number of SOCPA agreements entered into on an annual basis and to provide this information to the Attorney General. Since 2012, these letters have been published on the CPS website.
A National Protocol between the Police and Crown Prosecution Service in the Investigation and Prosecution of Offences in Relation to which the Cross-examination of a Witness will be Pre-Recorded
This protocol has been produced and approved by the NPCC lead for Victims and Witnesses in conjunction with the Crown Prosecution Service. Protocols produced by the NPCC should be used by chief officers to shape police responses to ensure that the general public experience consistent levels of service. The operational implementation of this document will require operational choices to be made at local level in order to achieve the appropriate police response and this document should be used in conjunction with Authorised Professional Practice (APP) produced by the College of Policing. It will be updated and re-published as necessary.
Download the Protocol (PDF document, 235kb)
Memorandum of Understanding between the Crown Prosecution Service, Chartered Institute of Legal Executives and CILEx Regulation Limited
This Memorandum of Understanding between the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), Chartered Institute of Legal Executives (CILEx) and CILEx Regulation Limited (CRL) sets out arrangements for the regulation of Associate Prosecutors.
Download the MoU (PDF document, 150kb)
Protocol between the National Police Chiefs' Council, the Crown Prosecution Service and Her Majesty's Courts & Tribunals Service to expedite cases involving witnesses under 10 Years (updated July 2018)
This protocol details the working arrangements between the police, the CPS and HMCTS to expedite cases involving very young witnesses to:
a) maximise the opportunity for them to provide their best evidence
b) minimise the stress and emotional impact of the Criminal Justice process.
A protocol between the National Police Chiefs' Council, the Crown Prosecution Service and Her Majesty's Courts & Tribunals Service to expedite cases involving witnesses under 10 Years - PDF (Updated July 2018) (approx 700 kb)
Protocol rhwng Cyngor Cenedlaethol Prif yr Heddlu, Gwasanaeth Erlyn y Goron a Gwasanaeth Llysoedd a Thribiwnlysoedd Ei Mawrhydi i brysuro achosion sy'n cynnwys tystion dan 10 mlywdd oed (diweddarwyd Gorffennaf 2018)
Protocol on the handling of so-called ‘Honour-Based’ Violence/Abuse and Forced Marriage Offences between the National Police Chiefs’ Council and the Crown Prosecution Service
Agreed between the CPS and the NPCC, this protocol outlines the procedures and guidance that should be followed in investigating and prosecuting alleged cases of so-called ‘Honour-Based’ Violence/Abuse.
Protocol on the handling of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) offences between the National Police Chiefs’ Council and the Crown Prosecution Service
Agreed between the CPS and the NPCC, this protocol outlines the procedures and guidance that should be followed in investigating and prosecuting alleged cases of FGM.
General Principles to compensate overseas victims (including affected States) in bribery, corruption and economic crime cases
Agreed between The Serious Fraud Office (SFO), the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) and the National Crime Agency (NCA).
Through application of the General Principles we aim to ensure that overseas victims of bribery, corruption and economic crime, are able to benefit from asset recovery proceedings and compensation orders made in England and Wales. Such victims could include affected states, organisations and individuals.
Joint Protocol on the Appropriate Handling of Stalking or Harassment Offences
This Joint protocol between the Crown Prosecution Service and the National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC), published on 11 September 2014 and revised on 23 May 2018, sets out the principles governing the investigation and prosecution of stalking or harassment offences.
Joint Protocol on the Appropriate Handling of Stalking Offences - PDF (approx 173kb)
National Disclosure Improvement Plan
The Joint National Disclosure Improvement Plan (published 26 January 2018) builds on detailed work over the past six months to agree an effective approach to meet this challenge and represents the shared commitment of the Crown Prosecution Service and the National Police Chiefs' Council to make sustainable change to the way we exercise our duties of disclosure.
National Disclosure Improvement Plan
Serious Crime Prevention Orders - Memorandum of Understanding
This Memorandum of Understanding between the Crown Prosecution Service, the Food Standards Agency, the Insolvency Service, the Financial Conduct Authority, Natural Resources Wales, the Competition and Markets Authority and the Environment Agency is to establish a robust operational process between the agencies, to enable the CPS to apply for SCPOs on behalf of these prosecuting authorities.
Serious Crime Prevention Orders - Memorandum of Understanding - Word document, approx 859kb
Agreement between the Crown Prosecution Service, the National Police Chiefs' Council, the Chief Coroner and the Coroners' Society of England and Wales (2016)
This document sets out an agreement between the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), the National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC), the Chief Coroner and the Coroners' Society of England and Wales (CSEW). This agreement establishes a common understanding of the roles and responsibilities of the CPS, police, and coroners where an investigation gives rise to a suspicion that a serious criminal offence (other than a health and safety or regulatory offence1) may have caused a death; sets out good practice on the communication between CPS, NPCC and coroners, and the bereaved family/next of kin; and ensures that coroners will be kept informed of the progress made during the various outcomes of a criminal investigation.
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with coroners and the police, 2016 - PDF document, approx 176kb
Agreement for working on human trafficking cases between UK Prosecution Services
Agreement (prosecutor commitment and supporting statement) between the DPP, the Lord Advocate for Scotland and the DPP for Northern Ireland to work collaboratively in the prosecution of cases of human trafficking and slavery
CPS Contact Details for Defence Practitioners by CPS Area
These contact details can be found on the home page of the appropriate CPS Area.
Reading Victim Personal Statements in Court Protocol
The purpose of this protocol is to set out the working arrangements between the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO), the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), Her Majesty's Courts and Tribunals Service (HMCTS) and the Witness Service for the reading of Victim Personal Statements (VPS) in Criminal Proceedings.
The working arrangements are deigned to comply with the duties on service providers as set out in the Code of Practice for Victims and have been endorsed by the Senior Presiding Judge for England and Wales.
Protocol for Reading Victim Personal Statements in Court (PDF document, approx. 219kb)
Working practices on the handling of incidents falling under both criminal and football regulatory jurisdiction
Agreement between the Crown Prosecution Service, Association of Chief Police Officers, the Football Association and the Football Association of Wales on the handling of incidents falling under both criminal and football regulatory jurisdiction. Upated July 2020.
Transforming Summary Justice
A cross-Criminal Justice System initiative to improve how cases are handled by magistrates' courts, resulting in reduced delay, fewer hearings and more effective trials.
Introduction to Transforming Summary Justice - PDF (May 2015) (approx 71kb)
The appropriate handling of crimes in prisons: Protocol between the National Offender Management Service, the Association of Chief Police Officers and the Crown Prosecution Service, 26 February 2015
This protocol, agreed by the National Offender Management Service (NOMS), the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) and the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO), sets out the principles relating to the referral, investigation and prosecution of crimes committed in prisons. It applies to all prison and YOI establishments and to Immigration Removal Centres operated by NOMS and covers crimes committed in prison by any person including by prisoners, staff, social and professional visitors and contractors.
The protocol aims to ensure that acts of criminality within prisons are properly addressed where the prison determines that the internal discipline process is insufficient and where the circumstances indicate that criminal prosecution is appropriate.
ACPO-CPS protocol on the investigation and prosecution of allegations of rape, January 2015
This joint protocol between the Crown Prosecution Service and the Association of Chief Police Officers, published on 8 January 2015, sets out how both organisations will deal with all rape cases from the initial complaint to after the verdict in a trial.
Updated version 2.1 published June 2015
Action plan on human trafficking and slavery
Action plan agreed at a meeting held by the Director of Public Prosecutions on 4 December 2013 on Human Trafficking and Slavery. The meeting was attended by CPS, Home Office, voluntary sector and police representatives.
Human trafficking and slavery action plan - PDF (approx 111kb)
Memorandum of Understanding issued by CPS and IPCC
An MoU has been agreed between the CPS and the Independent Police Complaints Commission.
CPS Direct Communication with Victims: CPS/ACPO National Framework for Local Protocols
A national framework to assist in the development of local arrangements between the police and CPS for the provision of information to victims of significant developments in cases.
CPS Direct Communication with Victims: CPS/ACPO National Framework for Local Protocols
Memorandum of Understanding between the CPS and the Institute of Legal Executives
The Memorandum of Understanding between the Crown Prosecution Service and the Institute of Legal Executives sets out the arrangements for CPS Associate Prosecutors to become members of the Institute and the respective roles and responsibilities of the CPS and the Institute in the administration of the scheme.
Memorandum of Understanding between the CPS and the Institute of Legal Executives - PDF
War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity
Agreement between the Crimes against Humanity Unit of SO15 in the Metropolitan Police (SO15) and the Counter Terrorism Division of the Crown Prosecution Service (CTD) in relation to allegations of War Crimes and/or Crimes against Humanity.
War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity
Bar/CPS Standard for Communication between Victim, Witness and the Prosecuting Advocate
The Bar/CPS Standard for Communication between Victim, Witness and the Prosecuting Advocate, published in February 2006, encourages engagement between the prosecutor and victim groups and witnesses during the court process. Developed through partnership with the Bar and Law Society together with other interested parties, it underlines the principles contained in the Attorney General's Guidelines on the Acceptance of Pleas and the Prosecution Role in the Sentencing Exercise 2005. It contributes towards the CPS delivery of the Prosecutors' Pledge.
Bar/CPS Standard for Communication between Victim, Witness and the Prosecuting Advocate - PDF
Publicity and the Criminal Justice System
Protocol for working together: Chief Police Officers, Chief Crown Prosecutors and the Media.
Publicity and the Criminal Justice System
Investigation And Prosecution Of Child Abuse Cases
A protocol on sharing information between agencies in child protection investigations and prosecutions.
Investigation And Prosecution Of Child Abuse Cases
The Prosecutors' Convention
A convention between prosecuting authorities to provide arrangements for ensuring effective co-ordination of decision making and handling in related cases which are the responsibility of different authorities.
Work-Related Deaths: A protocol for liaison
This is an agreement concerning liaison from investigation through to prosecution between the Health and Safety Executive, ACPO, CPS, British Transport Police, Office of Rail Regulation, Maritime and Coastguard Agency, Fire and Rescue Services (through their professional body, the Chief Fire Officers' Association) and local authorities through their representative bodies, the Local Government Association and the Welsh Local Government Association. It is available from the Health and Safety Executive's website.
The 'Work-Related Deaths Protocol: Practical guide', to assist the police, enforcing authorities and prosecutors in the joint investigation, and where applicable the prosecution, of cases in relation to deaths in the workplace, is also available from the HSE website.
Work-Related Deaths : A protocol for liaison - available from the Health and Safety Executive website
Joint Working Agreement between the Association of Chief Police Officers, the Crown Prosecution Service and NHS Protect
The purpose of the joint working agreement is to put in place a broad framework to assist local units of the three national organisations (Association of Chief Police Officers, the Crown Prosecution Service and NHS Protect) in setting up closer working arrangements to reduce the problem of violence and anti social behaviour affecting the NHS.