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Articles and speeches

Articles and speeches from the CPS on matters of relevance to the Criminal Justice System.

Showing 1 - 10 of 40 results

Statement from the Director of Public Prosecutions: Disproportionality research report and action plan

Director of Public Prosecutions, Stephen Parkinson, said: “It is widely acknowledged that racial disproportionality exists in our criminal justice system, but acknowledgment must not be taken as acceptance.

| Article , CPS News

All justice is best served swiftly

Stephen Parkinson, Director of Public Prosecutions, wrote in a piece for The Times about the need for swift justice in all criminal cases. He explained the process by which we can charge cases of violent disorder quickly, and why the other case types take deeper, specialist work to build a case and ultimately prove.

| Article , Violent crime , CPS News

Letter to the Justice Select Committee on prosecuting hate crime and offences that occur during protests: Stephen Parkinson, DPP

The conflict in the Middle East and protests that followed have undoubtedly resulted in surges in antisemitic and anti-Muslim hate crime, alongside disturbing scenes of support for proscribed terror groups. This has understandably caused those communities to feel deep concern and fears for their safety. I am writing to set out the action that the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) has taken in response to the increase in these despicable crimes.

| Article , Hate crime , CPS News

Strong public interest in prosecuting those who cause unrest at pro-Palestine protests: Stephen Parkinson, DPP

Planned protests this weekend have ignited public debate about the role of prosecutors and police in upholding law and order on our streets and in our communities.

| Article , Hate crime , CPS News

Focus on fairness – prosecuting crime in a changing world: Speech by Max Hill KC, DPP, to the Howard League

Good evening. The last time I gave a lecture for the Howard League was in October 2019. I referred then to it being "a time of national upheaval and some political uncertainty". I had no idea then just how much upheaval and uncertainty there would be.

| Speech , CPS News

Speech by Max Hill KC, DPP, to the JUSTICE Annual Human Rights Law Conference

Good afternoon, and thank you for the opportunity to speak here today.  My contact with JUSTICE goes back many years to when, as chair of the Kalisher Trust, I enjoyed conducting interviews for the excellent internships JUSTICE offered through the Trust. I also delivered the Tom Sargant lecture in my role as Independent Reviewer of Terrorism Legislation in 2017, and am pleased to be back with you now.

| Speech , CPS News

Max Hill KC, Director of Public Prosecutions, Speech to the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), 28 September 2023

I am delighted to be here today to share my reflections on the prosecution of terrorism over the last 20 years. Throughout this time, RUSI have been at the forefront of research and critical thinking in this space, challenging and supporting the UK’s policy response to terrorism. I can think of no better audience to share my experiences.

| Speech , CPS News

DPP Speech to the Bar Council, 9 September 2023

Thank you for inviting me to address you again, in what will be my final appearance before you as DPP. I have enjoyed a long association with the Council, in a variety of former roles both for my Circuit and for the CBA, and now for the CPS. I have been proud to serve in every one of those roles, so I have approached this final appearance with much reflection over many years.

| Speech , CPS News

Victims Summit 2023 - speech by Max Hill KC, Director of Public Prosecutions

Victims deserve, and rightly expect, to be supported, informed and treated fairly. Being a victim of crime can be deeply traumatic and we do not underestimate the courage of victims.

| Speech , Sexual offences , CPS News

The law in action: how prosecutors apply centuries of legislation to contemporary crime

Speech by Max Hill KC, Director of Public Prosecutions to the Oxford University Law Faculty, 24 February 2023

| Speech , Violent crime , CPS News


Our social media campaign #HateCrimeMatters explains what hate crime is, and what can be done about it.

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