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Memorandum of understanding on co-operation between the Office of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation and the Crown Prosecution Service of England and Wales


The Office of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation and the Crown Prosecution Service of England and Wales, hereinafter referred to as the Participants,


RECOGNIZING the importance of strengthening and further developing mutual co-operation in the enforcement of criminal law,

AWARE OF the need to ensure that co-operation is carried out in the most effective way,

BASED on the principles of equality, respect for sovereignty and universally recognized norms of international law aimed, in particular, at securing protection of human rights and freedoms,


Article 1

The Participants will co-operate on the basis of this Memorandum of Understanding within the limits of their competence and in accordance with the law and international obligations of their respective States.

Article 2

The Participants will, upon mutual agreement, hold meetings and consultations in order to exchange their practical experience and discuss the issues of mutual interest, including those discussed at relevant international fora and organizations including the United Nations Organization, the Group of Eight and the Council of Europe.

Article 3

The Participants will co-operate in the sphere of extradition and in other issues of mutual legal assistance. Where appropriate, this shall include consultation and the provision of advice at the stage when such requests are being drafted.

Article 4

The Participants will, upon mutual agreement, co-operate on issues of mutual interest concerning professional training of the staff of both the Office of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation and the Crown Prosecution Service of England and Wales.

Article 5

The Participants may, upon request or upon their own initiative, exchange information on the legal systems and national legislation of their respective States.

Article 6

The Participants will, upon mutual agreement, hold joint conferences, workshops and round table discussions.

Article 7

This Memorandum of Understanding shall not prevent the Participants from defining and developing any other mutually acceptable directions and forms of co-operation.

Article 8

  1. Within the framework of this Memorandum of Understanding, the Participants may communicate with each other directly.
  2. Each Participant will appoint a department and/or officers responsible for maintaining contact with the other Participant and inform the other Participant thereof, specifying the relevant contact details within 30 days from the date of signature of this Memorandum of Understanding.

Article 9

Documents falling within the framework of this Memorandum of Understanding will be forwarded with a translation into the language of the State of the Participant to whom they are addressed unless otherwise agreed.

Article 10

The Participants will each bear their own expenses arising from co-operation on the basis of this Memorandum of Understanding unless otherwise agreed.

Article 11

The Participants will settle any disputes arising from the interpretation and application of this Memorandum of Understanding through consultations on the basis of mutual understanding and respect.

Article 12

  1. This Memorandum of Understanding will enter into force upon the date of its signature.
  2. This Memorandum of Understanding will remain in force unless and until its denunciation by either Participant by notice in writing to the other Participant. This Memorandum of Understanding shall cease to be in force 60 days after the receipt of such notice by the other Participant.

Done at London on this 15th day of November 2006 in duplicate, in Russian and English, all texts being equally authentic.

For the Office of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation

Alexander Zvyagintsev

Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation

For the Crown Prosecution Service of England and Wales

Ken Macdonald QC

Director of Public Prosecutions for England and Wales

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