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CPS Proceeds of Crime (CPSPOC)

CPS Proceeds of Crime is comprised of:

  • The Pre-Enforcement Unit, responsible for all CPS restraint order activity and obtaining a proportion of confiscation orders
  • The Enforcement Unit, responsible for all CPS confiscation order enforcement activity
  • The ARIS Unit, responsible for confiscation order revisits

Chief Crown Prosecutor, Adrian Foster, has overall responsibility for CPS Proceeds of Crime and reports to the CPS Director of Legal Services and Director of Business Services. The Chief Crown Prosecutor is supported by a Senior Management Team including a Business Manager who oversees the business management functions including finance, HR and performance, and a Deputy Chief Crown Prosecutor who is responsible for day to day operational delivery.

CPS Proceeds of Crime is committed to providing the very best service to CPS colleagues, law enforcement partners, the criminal justice service as a whole and the wider public with regard to CPS asset recovery responsibilities.

You can find out more about the work of CPS Proceeds of Crime in the 'Crime Info' section of this site.

Who's who in CPSPOC

Adrian Foster, Chief Crown Prosecutor

Adrian Foster, CCP of CPSPOCAdrian Foster is Chief Crown Prosecutor of CPS Proceeds of Crime.

Adrian leads a team of 150 staff tasked with restraining and confiscating criminal assets both within England and Wales and internationally.

Adrian was previously Chief Crown Prosecutor for CPS Thames and Chiltern, which covers five counties and serves a population of approximately four million people.


Debbie Price, Deputy Chief Crown Prosecutor

Debbie Price, DCCP for CPSPOCDebbie Price is the Deputy Chief Crown Prosecutor for CPS Proceeds of Crime Division and responsible for the day to day operational delivery.

She prosecuted Organised Crime for seven years before leading the Home Office’s UK Central Authority (UKCA), overseeing incoming and outgoing requests for Mutual Legal Assistance.

As a Deputy Chief Crown Prosecutor she has led CPS Extradition and International Units and has recently completed a secondment as Deputy Director in the NCA’s National Economic Crime Centre where she was Head of the UK Financial Intelligence Unit.

Kirsty Hipwood, Area Business Manager

Kirsty Hipwood is the Area Business Manager (ABM) for CPS Proceeds of Crime. Kirsty joined the CPS in July 2001 as a contractor for the Customer Services Department (CSD). Kirsty worked for the CSD for two years. In 2003 Kirsty joined Business Information Systems (BIS) Directorate as a Business Support Manager and a year later she became a Resource Manager. From 2006 to 2015 Kirsty worked for CPS London in many roles including Area Finance Manager, Project Manager then District Business Manager before becoming the Senior Business Manager in 2012. In 2015 Kirsty was seconded as the Senior Business Manager for CPS South East and a year later became the Area Business Manager.

Kirsty joined Proceeds of Crime in September 2019 as the Area Business Manager (ABM). She is responsible for determining and delivering operational strategy (including financial, people and performance) leading the change programme, implementing operational change, managing business performance, and working with stakeholders to develop the CJS wider performance.

Contact Information for CPS Proceeds of Crime

Pre-Enforcement Unit – dealing with asset recovery in prosecutions from across England & Wales including the Central Casework Divisions and the most complex asset recovery applications from the CPS Areas. This team deals with work up to and including the making of the confiscation order where applications meets the following criteria:

  • Cases involving restraint or receivership orders;
  • Cases involving third party issues including matrimonial or familial property, companies, trusts and insolvency, bankruptcy and liquidation;
  • Cases including complex disclosure issues or sensitive unused material; and
  • Cases involving assets located abroad.

Tel: 0113 341 4855
Email: [email protected]

Enforcement Unit - dealing with asset recovery in prosecutions from across England & Wales including the Central Casework Divisions and the CPS Areas. This team deals with work following the making of the confiscation order.
Tel: 0113 341 4855
Email: [email protected]

Reconsideration Unit - dealing with asset recovery in prosecutions from across England & Wales including the Central Casework Divisions and the CPS Areas. This team deals with reconsideration work following the making of a confiscation order.
Tel: 0113 341 4522
Email: [email protected]

Confiscation Applications – All contact with the CPS (whether allocated to a CPS Area or CPS POC) relating to current confiscation proceedings:
Tel: 0113 341 4855
Email: [email protected]

Proceeds of Crime
Crown Prosecution Service
4th Floor Zone A
102 Petty France
London SW1H 9EA
DX: 161330 Westminster 11

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