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Armed mob convicted for fatal attack on Bishop Auckland man

|News, Violent crime

An armed mob from Bishop Auckland who carried out a fatal attack on a man in the garden of his home have been convicted at Teesside Crown Court.

The group were involved in an attack on Lee Clarkson, 41, at his home in West Lane, Bishop Auckland in November of last year. The group had attended the address, armed with a baseball bat and at least one knife, with the intention of harming another man living at the property.  

After their original target fled from a first-floor window before they could apprehend him, the group then dragged Mr Clarkson into his garden, where he was beaten and stabbed at least three times.

Michael David Richardson, 51, of Boddy Street, Bishop Auckland and a 17-year-old male who cannot be named for legal reasons were both convicted of murder. Karl Gavin Jones, 45, of Thomas Street, Shildon, was convicted of manslaughter. Craig Dent, 42, of Station Road, Peterlee had also previously pleaded guilty to manslaughter.

Christopher Atkinson, Head of CPS North East’s Complex Casework Unit, said: “It is clear from the evidence in this case that Lee Clarkson was not the intended target of this attack, with the group involved believing that another man at his address had been responsible for a pair of burglaries at one of their homes.

“When the team of attackers, whose faces were concealed, started breaking into his home, Mr Clarkson’s first instinct was to warn the other man that he was in immediate danger - an action which undoubtedly aided his escape.

“After failing to catch their intended target, the attackers instead subjected Mr Clarkson to a sustained and savage attack before leaving him, bleeding and fatally wounded, in his front garden. Tragically, Mr Clarkson died of his injuries a short time later.

“The Crown Prosecution Service has worked closely with Durham Police to identify the role played in the death of Lee Clarkson by each of those convicted.  Drawing on GPS data, mobile phone records and CCTV footage, we have built a clear picture of each participant’s involvement in the planning and execution of this violent attack.

“Our thoughts remain with the family of Lee Clarkson, for whom this must remain a particularly difficult time. We sincerely hope that the conviction of those responsible for Lee’s death brings them some measure of comfort.”

Sentencing will take place on 11 October at Teesside Crown Court


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