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Data for the number of people aged 70 or over charged with criminal offences - financial years 2022 to 2023

|FoI Release


In November 2014 you provided me with a response to a Freedom of Information Act Request. The response you provided showed a table of the number of people aged 70 or over who had been charged with various types of criminal offence. Please could you provide me with similar data but this time covering the 2022-23 financial year?


‘Attachment FOI Request ref 11757’ (below) shows the number of defendants recorded as prosecuted by the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) at age 70+, disaggregated by a principal offence category (POC), allocated at the completion of a prosecution.

Our records indicate that POCs were not allocated to 231 defendants aged 70+ during the year 2022-2023. Also, as a defendant’s age may not be held in all prosecution records, the figures provided should not be considered as a complete reflection of every defendant, aged 70 or over, prosecuted by the CPS during the stated timeframe.

Available to download

Attachment FOI Request ref 11757 (Excel spread sheet, 14kb)
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