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Data for offences charged under S33 Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015 - Disclosing Private Sexual Photographs Without Consent ('Revenge Pornography') for the calendar years 2018 to 2022 (Norfolk and Suffolk Police Force areas)

|FoI Release, Cyber / online crime , Sexual offences


Could you please supply me with the statistics surrounding:

How many revenge porn incidents within Norfolk and Suffolk were reported to you within the calendar years 2018-2023.

Which sites were used within these reports by the suspects e.g. OnlyFans, Twitter/X, Instagram etc.

Please include copies of material which you hold in the form of paper and electronic records, including emails.

I would be grateful if you would supply this information in the form of providing me with copies by email.

If it is not possible to provide the information requested due to the information exceeding the cost of compliance limits identified in Section 12, please provide advice and assistance, under your Section 16 obligations, as to how I can refine my request to be included in the scope of the Act.


The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) does not record data that falls within the scope of your request.

In the first instance it should be noted that reported incidents is police data and as we are a separate organisation to them you may wish to make your FOI request to the Norfolk and Suffolk Police Forces who may be able to assist you with information about reported incidents.

However, we do collate some limited data and under section 16 of the FOI Act we have an obligation to advise what, if any, information may assist you with your request. I therefore attach an Excel spreadsheet labelled ‘11720-DATA’ and the caveats appended to that data should be noted when considering the information therein.

In simple terms, the data provided shows the number of offences charged under S33 of the Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015 - Disclosing Private Sexual Photographs Without Consent ('Revenge Pornography') for the calendar years 2018 to 2022 in the Norfolk and Suffolk Police Force areas. The 2023 data set will be published in line with our publication policy in the future. 

Available to download

11720 DATA (Excel spread sheet, 11kb)
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