Meet our paralegal officers
Hear from our paralegal officers - Daisy, Katherine and Lewis - and find out what it's like for them working in their roles.

Daisy, Paralegal Officer.
Daisy, Paralegal Officer.
Daisy, Paralegal Officer.
Daisy, Paralegal Officer.
Daisy, Paralegal Officer.
Daisy, Paralegal Officer.
My inspiration
Before joining the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), I already knew I wanted to work in the criminal justice system. I had studied aspects of criminology at university and had a profound interest in criminal justice. I knew joining the CPS would be an engaging and motivating career. It’s important to me that the system delivers justice for victims, and provides the support they need throughout such difficult and complex times in their lives. The CPS plays a key role in that and I wanted to be part of that work.
My typical day
As a paralegal officer I work on supporting and preparing Crown Court casework from the start of the case to the end of the trial. I attend court to help run serious crimes, manage and serve evidence, and draft legal applications. I thoroughly enjoy my job - it’s highly rewarding and incredibly interesting.
My background
After graduating from university with a degree in social policy and crime, I joined the CPS as an administrative apprentice, learning case management while studying for a qualification in business administration. I then worked as a paralegal assistant for two years, helping run trials and providing support to victims and witnesses in court – it was a fast-paced, fascinating role. Alongside that I completed a Chartered Institute of Legal Executives (CILEX) level 3 paralegal apprenticeship, which developed my understanding of the law and the criminal justice system.
My biggest learning
I am very grateful to work while gaining qualifications. This is something the CPS is really committed to, and it’s hugely benefited my career progression. I've learnt so much from each role and been able to build on each experience to keep learning, improving and progressing.
"I've learnt so much from each role and been able to build on each experience to keep learning, improving and progressing." Daisy, Paralegal Officer
"This role gives me an outlet for my passion to deliver high-quality service and care to vulnerable people in the hardest of times."
My inspiration
The CPS is a supportive, inclusive and ever-developing organisation. It enables and encourages us to achieve goals and progress through our careers and it actively promotes a culture of recognition and opportunity. The CPS offers a flexible working environment, supported by a hybrid working policy, that’s been developed with staff views. Coming to work with the CPS doesn’t feel like a job, it feels like a privilege to be able to spend my day dedicated to delivering justice.
My typical day
As a paralegal officer, I have an allocated caseload and I'm responsible for preparing files, drafting applications and monitoring cases, working in partnership with prosecutors. A typical day involves helping run and maintain cases, ensuring deadlines are met, liaising with internal and external partners such as the police, defence firms and prosecuting counsel. I can also be deployed to court where I help counsel in the courtroom and am the representative for the CPS. I meet with victims and witnesses, and provide support. This role gives me an outlet for my passion to deliver high-quality service and care to vulnerable people in the hardest of times.
My background
Before the CPS I was a dog groomer. I have always been passionate about helping people through difficult times and wanted to support those going through the justice system. But I thought it was out of my reach.
When I saw the opportunity to apply to be an administration apprentice with the CPS, I was nervous but excited by the possibilities. Through CPS support and encouragement, I've received two promotions in under two years and am now a paralegal officer, studying towards a law and research qualification with CILEX.
My advice to anyone considering a career with the CPS
Don’t hesitate. I've really been welcomed into the CPS and supported to develop and thrive in the role from the start.
Katherine, Paralegal Officer.
Katherine, Paralegal Officer.
Katherine, Paralegal Officer.
Katherine, Paralegal Officer.
Katherine, Paralegal Officer.
Katherine, Paralegal Officer.
Katherine, Paralegal Officer.
Katherine, Paralegal Officer.
Lewis, Paralegal Officer.
Lewis, Paralegal Officer.
Lewis, Paralegal Officer.
Lewis, Paralegal Officer.
Lewis, Paralegal Officer.
Lewis, Paralegal Officer.
Lewis, Paralegal Officer.
Lewis, Paralegal Officer.
"I would definitely recommend working for the CPS. It's a fascinating organisation - no two days are the same."
My inspiration
No two days are the same and you get to work in a highly rewarding and incredibly interesting role. You are able to join a case after the charging stage and see it all the way to its conclusion. You work alongside different teams including the police, National Crime Agency, court staff and barristers, who all work together to seek justice.
My typical day
Each day can be very different in a paralegal officer role. You can be attending court, working from the office or at home. In court I'm responsible for supporting the case proceedings and taking notes. I also speak with witnesses and ensure they understand what they will be doing in the courtroom and when they will be giving evidence. In the office I respond to queries, create documents and arrange jury bundles ready for court trials.
My background
I have had many jobs over the years in all different industries. Before my job at the CPS I worked at Edge Hill University as a placement coordinator. I also worked as a forklift driver, and lived in Australia for two years working in construction.
I joined the CPS as an apprentice casework assistant working in the magistrates' court team. After completing my apprenticeship and gaining my operational delivery qualification I moved across to work on the complex casework team. I gained experience in working on more serious and challenging cases and was able to successfully apply for my paralegal officer role.
My biggest learning
I’ve learnt to stay calm and relaxed under pressure and to organise my workload and cases. These are skills for life! You really don’t know what you are going to get when working at court - you have to think on your feet.
There are different roles available, with opportunities to develop and progress . I started in the magistrates' team and have gained more experience and responsibility since joining the CPS.
The CPS also allows you to work flexi hours which means that you are able to develop a good work-life balance. You can base work around your life and not the other way around.