CPS use of Microsoft Office 365
O365 Licencing Questions: -
a.- Which Microsoft O365 do you use eg E3, E5?
Answer: E5
b.- Do you use the NHS-shared O365 tenant?
Answer: No
c.- Do you procure O365 licences through Microsoft Enterprise Agreement (EA) or Cloud Service Provider (CSP). Who is your supplier?
Answer: EA agreement purchases via reseller supplier Trustmarque.
d.- When is your licencing renewal date/anniversary for these services?
Answer: Anniversary is 30/09/2023 and contract renewal is 30/09/2025.
Microsoft Telephony Questions
e.- Do you have Microsoft Calling Plans, if so how many licences (users)
Answer: Domestic calling Plan - #7687 users, international calling plans - #205
f.- Do you have other forms of Microsoft Telephony such as Direct routing/Operator connect? How many licences (users) and which supplier?
Answer: No
g.- When is your licencing renewal date/anniversary for these services?
Answer: MS calling plans is same as further above Anniversary is 30/09/2023 and contract renewal is 30/09/2025