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CPS statement on the sentencing of Joshua Tilt


Joshua Tilt, who previously worked for British Transport Police as a call handler taking initial calls from the public, has been sentenced to two years and two months' imprisonment after pleading guilty to misconduct in a public office.

Tilt, 31, of Lye Close Lane, Quinton, was sentenced at Birmingham Crown Court today (14 December 2022) for sharing a photo of the dead body of a teenager with his friends via WhatsApp. He only had access to that photo because of his role as a police staff member.

Giovanni D’Alessandro of the CPS said: “As a holder of public office, Joshua Tilt’s actions are inexcusable and are a serious breach of trust. He distributed the disturbing image to others with no thought for the distress it might cause the family and friends of the deceased and in doing so he showed an inexplicable lack of empathy. Our thoughts are with the family of the deceased who I am aware have experienced immense and ongoing distress due to his actions. I hope that today’s sentence will act as a deterrent to other public servants who may be tempted to abuse the trust that has been placed in them.”

Notes to editors

  • Giovanni D’Alessandro is a Senior Crown Prosecutor for CPS West Midlands.

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