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Former South Yorkshire police officer jailed for drug offences

|News, Drug offences

A former police constable with the South Yorkshire force has been sentenced two years' imprisonment today (27 May) at Grimsby Crown Court for three drug-related offences.

Nabeel Khan (25) pleaded guilty at an earlier hearing to three charges relating to the supply of cannabis over a 12-month period. For the majority of this time he was a serving police officer.

On 24 February 2021, Khan was witnessed clearly engaging in the supply of drugs. His car was stopped by police, and a substance later confirmed to be cannabis was discovered. A subsequent search of police premises by the force’s counter corruption team found a further quantity of cannabis, containers with concealed compartments, bank cards and mobile phones. Cash was later recovered from the defendant's address. Analysis of the mobile phones later yielded clear evidence that the defendant had been engaged in supplying a Class B drug while he was a serving police officer.

Jeremy Evans from the CPS said: "Nabeel Khan was found to have been regularly supplying a Class B drug during the time he was a serving police officer.

"In doing so, he has completely abused his trusted position and occupation as a police officer – a role that demands honesty and integrity in order to serve and protect the public. This sentence demonstrates that no one  is above the law, and is a deterrent to anyone who holds such positions from engaging in corrupt and criminal activity."

Proceeds of Crime investigations will now follow in due course.

Notes to editors

  • Jeremy Evans is a Senior Crown Advocate with CPS Yorkshire and Humberside
  • Nabeel Khan D.o.B. 1/1/97

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