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Criminal cases prosecuted by the CPS are in the news every day, along with a range of issues relating to our work – from violence against women and girls and hate crime, to support for victims and witnesses, statistics and speeches.

To ensure greater openness in the reporting of criminal proceedings, the CPS, the police and media representatives developed a joint protocol for working together.

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Showing 51 - 60 of 61 results for crime type "Violent crime" & area "CPS"

New strangulation and suffocation laws will help protect victims

From today, prosecutors will have new powers to charge violent abusers with specific offences of non-fatal strangulation and non-fatal suffocation, as key measures in the Domestic Abuse Act 2021 come into force.

| Press Release , Domestic abuse, Violent crime , CPS News

Jail and Football Banning Order for play-off player assault

A Nottingham Forest fan has been jailed and given a ten-year football banning order for headbutting an opposition player during a post-match pitch invasion.

| Press Release , Violent crime , CPS, East Midlands News

Prosecutors seek the public’s views on mercy killings and failed suicide pacts

The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) is seeking views on a proposed update to legal guidance on homicide, to assist prosecutors considering the public interest when dealing with suspects in deaths arising out of failed suicide pacts and so called ‘mercy killings’.

| Press Release , Violent crime , CPS News

313 prosecutions for assaults on emergency workers completed in first month of lockdown

More than 300 prosecutions for assaults on emergency workers were completed in the first month of lockdown, CPS data reveals.

| Press Release , Violent crime , CPS News

‘Coronavirus coughs’ at key workers will be charged as assault, CPS warns

Anyone using coronavirus to threaten emergency and essential workers faces serious criminal charges, the Director of Public Prosecutions warns today.

| Press Release , Violent crime , CPS News

FGM perpetrators have no hiding place

Suspects accused of allowing Female Genital Mutilation to be carried out can face prosecution in the UK, regardless of where in the world the procedure took place, the CPS confirmed today.

| Press Release , Violent crime , CPS News

Emerging Areas of Child Abuse and Exploitation

Speech by Max Hill QC, Director of Public Prosecutions, to the Heads of Prosecuting Agencies Conference in Uganda, 15-17 April 2019

| Speech , Sexual offences, Youth crime, International and organised crime, Violent crime , CPS News

Fighting for justice: Go behind the scenes at the CPS

How the CPS and the police brought a killer to justice in a landmark case is the subject of a compelling documentary broadcast yesterday and now available on the BBC iPlayer.

| Press Release , Violent crime , CPS News

CPS warning for teenagers on the dangers of carrying knives

Teenagers have been warned about the consequences of carrying knives – even if they never intend to use them.

| Press Release , Violent crime , CPS News

Man given life for murdering partner 20 years after killing another partner

A man has today been given a life sentence for the murder of his partner, more than 20 years after he was convicted for the manslaughter of a previous partner.

Press Release , Violent crime , CPS, North West News

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