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CPS News Centre

Criminal cases prosecuted by the CPS are in the news every day, along with a range of issues relating to our work – from violence against women and girls and hate crime, to support for victims and witnesses, statistics and speeches.

To ensure greater openness in the reporting of criminal proceedings, the CPS, the police and media representatives developed a joint protocol for working together.

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Showing 401 - 410 of 508 results for area "CPS"

CPS Thames and Chiltern initiatives see a significant rise in rape charges

Successful initiatives in CPS Thames and Chiltern have seen a significant rise in rape cases being charged.

| Press Release , Sexual offences , CPS, Thames and Chiltern News

Improving the experience of rape victims in the Justice System

Improving the experience of rape victims who enter the justice system has been the subject of pioneering joint working between CPS East Midlands and voluntary and public sector groups.

| Press Release , Sexual offences , CPS, East Midlands News

How prosecutors in CPS South East are working to close rape charging gap

Prosecutors and police forces in the South East have been working tirelessly to address the gap between reported rapes and cases reaching court.

| Press Release , Sexual offences , CPS, South East News

Crown Prosecution Service invites the public to comment on revised pre-trial therapy guidance

The Crown Prosecution service has drafted operational guidance on pre-trial therapy with assistance of experts and voluntary sector providers to enable all victims to receive the support they need.

| Press Release , Sexual offences , CPS News

CPS launches guidance on sexual violence within LGBT communities

The CPS today publishes new guidance to assist prosecutors considering cases of sexual violence within LGBT communities.

| Press Release , Sexual offences , CPS News

CPS announces five year blueprint for prosecution of rape and serious sexual offences (RASSO)

An ambitious package of measures to make sure offenders of sexual violence are brought to justice and victims of these devastating crimes are properly supported has been published by the CPS today.

| Press Release , Sexual offences , CPS News

CPS statement: Death of Christopher Kapessa

Jenny Hopkins, who oversees the Appeals and Review Unit within the CPS, said:

“Christopher Kapessa’s death was an awful tragedy and on behalf of the CPS I want to offer our deepest condolences to his family.

| Press Release , CPS News

CPS warns - don't get caught by COVID fraud

The Crown Prosecution Service has warned the public to beware of fraudsters exploiting the COVID-19 pandemic after a man was today jailed for 30 weeks for offering fake Government refunds.

| Press Release , Fraud and economic crime , CPS, London South News

DPP Speech to the Bar Council – 14 July 2020

Introduction Hello and thank you for having me. Firstly I’d like to offer my apologies that I am not able to attend every meeting of the Bar Council, but rest assured I do appreciate the Bar Council and our CPS representatives attend keep me updated.

| Speech , CPS News

Latest findings for CPS coronavirus review

The CPS review of prosecutions completed in June under the Coronavirus Act and Health Protection Regulations found 99 out of 141 were charged correctly.

| Press Release , CPS News

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For out-of-hours media enquiries please call 020 3357 0906 to reach the duty press officer.

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  • Operational updates on decisions to prosecute or take no further action;
  • Reactions and statements on trial outcomes;
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  • Updates on media appearances by CPS staff
  • Content that explains the role of the CPS and how we work
  • Highlighting of relevant work by our criminal justice partners and other stakeholders

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