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Criminal cases prosecuted by the CPS are in the news every day, along with a range of issues relating to our work – from violence against women and girls and hate crime, to support for victims and witnesses, statistics and speeches.

To ensure greater openness in the reporting of criminal proceedings, the CPS, the police and media representatives developed a joint protocol for working together.

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Showing 351 - 360 of 502 results for area "CPS"

CPS publishes prosecution data for first quarter of 2021/22

The Crown Prosecution Service has today published its prosecution data covering the first quarter of 2021/22.

| Press Release , CPS News

Coronavirus review findings, March-August 2021

The cumulative findings of the CPS review for completed prosecutions between March 2020 and August 2021 under the Coronavirus Act and Health Protection Regulations are detailed in the table below.

| Press Release , CPS News

Inclusion plan puts community at heart of CPS work

Strengthening links with different communities is central to the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) vision outlined today in an aspirational plan to encourage more engagement and trust with diverse groups.

| Press Release , CPS News

June's coronavirus review findings

The findings of the CPS review for completed prosecutions in June under the Coronavirus Act and Health Protection Regulations - and a running total for all cases since March 2020 - are detailed in the table below.

| Press Release , CPS News

Prosecution statistics published for 2020-21

Prosecution data covering the first full year of the coronavirus pandemic has been published by the CPS today.

| Press Release , CPS News

CPS response to HMCPSI report into CPS and SFO Proceeds of Crime Divisions

Her Majesty's Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate (HMCPSI) has today 22 July issued a report following their Inspection of the operation of CPS and Serious Fraud Office (SFO) Proceeds of Crime Divisions.

| Press Release , Proceeds of crime , CPS News

New minimum standards for rape and sexual assault victim support

New minimum standards for the support of rape and sexual violence victims have today (Friday 18 June) been published by the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) and the National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC).

| Press Release , Sexual offences , CPS News

April's coronavirus review findings

The findings of the CPS review for completed prosecutions in April under the Coronavirus Act and Health Protection Regulations – and a running total for all cases since March 2020 – are detailed in the table below.

| Press Release , CPS News

DPP Speech to the Bar Council, 24 April 2021

I’m always grateful to be given the opportunity to address you, and after the last year – the likes of which we have never experienced before – I am particularly pleased to be able to come to thank you for all you have done, and to look ahead together.

| Speech , CPS News

CPS launches ambitious plan to combat economic crime

The first ever CPS Economic Crime strategy sets out an ambitious plan to combat these offences which are estimated to cost billions each year.

| Press Release , Fraud and economic crime , CPS News

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  • Operational updates on decisions to prosecute or take no further action;
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  • Policy updates from the Director of Public Prosecutions and other prosecutors;
  • Updates on media appearances by CPS staff
  • Content that explains the role of the CPS and how we work
  • Highlighting of relevant work by our criminal justice partners and other stakeholders

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