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Criminal cases prosecuted by the CPS are in the news every day, along with a range of issues relating to our work – from violence against women and girls and hate crime, to support for victims and witnesses, statistics and speeches.

To ensure greater openness in the reporting of criminal proceedings, the CPS, the police and media representatives developed a joint protocol for working together.

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Showing 271 - 280 of 502 results for area "CPS"

Married couple found guilty of a cold-calling multi-million pound investment scam

A married couple have been convicted today (Thursday, 15 December) for their leading role in a cold calling investment scam of often elderly victims with a total loss of over £2.7 million.

| Press Release , Fraud and economic crime , CPS News

Man jailed for life over murder of Zara Aleena

A man who murdered a woman as she returned home after a night out has been jailed for life with a minimum of 38 years.

| Press Release , Violent crime , CPS, London North News

Reality TV star guilty of posting 'revenge porn'

A reality TV star has been convicted of posting so-called “revenge porn” on the OnlyFans video-sharing site.

| Press Release , Sexual offences , CPS, East of England News

Six men jailed after £44 million worth of MDMA found hidden in arm of excavator

Six men behind one of the biggest MDMA smuggling operations ever dealt with by the CPS have today been jailed to a combined total of 140 years.

| Press Release , Drug offences, International and organised crime , CPS News

Children classed as domestic abuse victims under new guidance

Children affected by domestic abuse will be automatically treated as victims regardless of whether they were present during violent incidents, the CPS announced today.

| Press Release , Domestic abuse , CPS News

Children are often present during non-fatal strangulation, CPS analysis shows

Children were present in more than a third of non-fatal strangulation offences, according to analysis of a sample of cases by the Crown Prosecution Service.

| Press Release , Sexual offences , CPS News

Ex-police officer charged with misconduct in public office

The CPS has today authorised a charge of misconduct in public office against a former police officer.

| Press Release , CPS News

“Psychopath with a conscience” convicted of double murder

A man who claimed in a text to a friend that he was a “psychopath with a conscience” has been convicted of the murder of two women.


‘Revenge porn’ victims are often stalked and harassed by ex-partners

Victims of so-called ‘revenge porn’ are often also stalked or harassed by ex-partners after their relationship ends, Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) data has revealed.

In total, 825 suspects were charged with 1,048 revenge porn offences between April 2020 and June 2022 inclusive.


David Carrick: CPS authorises nine further charges

The Crown Prosecution Service has authorised Hertfordshire Constabulary to charge Metropolitan Police officer David Carrick with nine additional offences.

| Press Release , Sexual offences , CPS, Thames and Chiltern News

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