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Criminal cases prosecuted by the CPS are in the news every day, along with a range of issues relating to our work – from violence against women and girls and hate crime, to support for victims and witnesses, statistics and speeches.

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Showing 11 - 20 of 24 results for crime type "Hate crime" & area "CPS"

Podcast host sentenced for racial hatred offences

James Allchurch, 51, was sentenced today (15 May 2023) for 15 offences of distributing audio material to stir up racial hatred. 

| Press Release , Hate crime , CPS News

CPS publishes latest quarterly statistics which show a continued increase in people charged with rape

Today the CPS has published the Q2 performance data which covers the three-month period from 1 July to 30 September 2022. 

Notable changes in the data from Q1 2022-23 to Q2 2022-23 include: 

| Press Release , Sexual offences, Domestic abuse, Hate crime , CPS News

Football supporter found guilty of sending racist and offensive email to Gareth Southgate

A man has been found guilty of sending an offensive message to England football manager Gareth Southgate, which included racist messages.

| Press Release , Hate crime , CPS, Yorkshire and Humberside News

Charge rates show steady increase across all crime types as CPS publishes latest statistics

Today the CPS has published Q1 performance data which covers the three-month period from 1 April to 30 June 2022.

| Press Release , Sexual offences, Domestic abuse, Hate crime , CPS News

Football fans risk travel ban blocking them from going to World Cup

Fans are being warned that anyone who commits a football-related offence, in person or online, is at risk of being banned from going to the upcoming World Cup in Qatar, as well as the Women’s World Cup next year and the Euros in 2024.

| Press Release , Hate crime , CPS News

Football hate crime: CPS vows to use new banning orders

The CPS today vows to use football banning orders to those convicted of online hate crime connected to the game and prevent them from attending matches.

| Press Release , Hate crime , CPS News

Spurs fan pleads guilty to homophobic slurs against Chelsea fans

A football fan who chanted homophobic abuse during a Premier League game between Chelsea and Tottenham Hotspur has been convicted of a hate crime.

| Press Release , Hate crime , CPS, London South News

DPP Max Hill on how we’re taking action against racist and homophobic football chants

The beauty of football is that anyone can play. All you need is a ball, some friends, and a goal. Fans can unite anywhere in the world with a shared love of a club, country or just the game itself. It is perhaps the most inclusive sport.

| Article , Hate crime , CPS News

Hate Crime Awareness Week: CPS Cymru/Wales

Hate crime can take many forms from shouting abuse to hate fuelled violence or targeted harassment over long periods of time, and the CPS are committed to working with the police and our community partners in order to address it.

| Press Release , Hate crime , CPS, Cymru/Wales News

Proportion of hate crime cases getting increased sentences at all time high

At the start of National Hate Crime Awareness Week (NHCAW) tomorrow (10 October) the Crown Prosecution Service has revealed that the proportion of those convicted of a hate crime who were given a tougher sentence is higher than ever before.

| Press Release , Hate crime , CPS News

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