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Statistics on race hate crime including victims and defendants

|FoI Release, Hate crime


Prosecutions of racial hate crime offenders by principal offence category (such as Drug offences, violence against persons etc.) by ethnic breakdown for the years of 2019 to 2022.

Can I also request the victims (or complainants) of racial hate crime for the years of 2019 to 2022.

Is it possible you can connect principal offence category to the victim of a racial hate crime as well? That would be great if you can, if not please exclude.


Following a search of our records, we have determined that the CPS holds some information within the scope of your request in relation to prosecutions of racial hate crime offenders by principal offence category, and in relation to the victims of racial hate crime. The CPS does not hold information connecting principal offence category to the victim of a racial hate crime.

Please see the attached Excel spreadsheet ‘DATA 12291’. The data should be considered in conjunction with the data caveats and definitions set out in the first tab of the Excel file named ‘Caveats’.

The second tab of the Excel file named ‘Prosecutions’ provides data on the number of prosecutions in cases which have a racial hate crime flag applied to the case by principal offence category and defendant ethnicity. Data is provided for the calendar years 2019 to 2022.

The third tab of the Excel file named ‘Victims’ provides data on the number of victims in cases which have a racial hate crime flag applied to the case by victim ethnicity. Data is provided for the calendar years 2019 to 2022.

Under section 16 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 we are required to advise what, if any information may assist you with your request. It has not been possible to provide data connecting the principal offence category to the victim of a racial hate crime. A Principal Offence Category is allocated to each defendant at the finalisation of their prosecution case. No facility exists to record this information on a victim or witness basis.

Available to download

12291 DATA (Excel 38Kb)
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