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How prosecutors brought a Russian spy ring operating in the UK to justice: Six Bulgarians spied on prominent individuals and locations on behalf of Russia - this is how they were prosecuted.

Bulgarian trio convicted of conspiring to spy for Russia

Three members of a Russian spy ring who carried out espionage activity on British and European soil over three years have been convicted.

Katrin Ivanova, 33, Vanya Gaberova, 30, and Tihomir Ivanchev, 39, were today found guilty of conspiracy to spy at the Central Criminal Court following a trial.

An older woman, sitting in an armchair, is worriedly looking at her phone screen. She is reading a message that says 'Mum! I've had an accident! Send money...'. The message is from an unknown number. The overlay on the image says 'STOP! Is this really your son? THINK FRAUD.''

Fraudsters aren’t fussy. They’ll pick on anyone.

Nobody is immune from fraud. The criminals behind it target people online and in their homes, often emotionally manipulating their victims before they steal money or personal data.

But there is something we can do. By staying vigilant and always taking a moment to stop, think and check whenever we’re approached, we can help to protect ourselves and each other from fraud.

Graphic announcing some interesting job vacancies opening for applications soon

Careers at the Crown Prosecution Service

At the Crown Prosecution Service, we’re passionate about ensuring that we are a top-performing organisation and a great place to work. Here are some of our job opportunities open now or very soon.

  • Admin assistant, applications close 2 March
  • Casework assistant, applications close 2 March
  • Paralegal assistant, applications open 24 March
  • Senior crown advocate, applications open 30 March
Image of a call centre operator, with the text: 'We're here, 24/7, 365 days of the year advising police and making charging decisions

Keeping the public safe

We’re working with the police and courts to charge offenders and deal with custody cases to keep the public safe. We know domestic abuse cases spike during this time, if you’re a victim or witness know you can report safe in the knowledge the criminal justice system is working all year round to secure justice.

Further details on support services available and how to report – in an emergency always call 999

Photo of two casually dressed women in a meeting. Text reads: Victims Programme launched

New measures unveiled to improve service to victims of crime

New measures to help keep victims of crime engaged in the justice process against the backdrop of delays have been unveiled by the Crown Prosecution Service.

Image shows two tablet computers, each showing one of the two new guides - one has text saying: 'What you need to know if you are the victim of a rape or serious sexual assault', the other has text saying 'what you need to know if you are the victim of a crime' and 'a victim is someone who is harmed or injured because of a crime'. The text on the graphic says: 'We've launched Easy Read versions of our victims' guides'.

Easy Read guides for victims of crime

Our guides for victims will tell you about the CPS. They will also tell you what will happen if you tell the police that you have been the victim of a crime. A victim is someone who is harmed or injured because of a crime.

Graphic showing victim in the witness box. Text reads: Victim's guide: What happens when a case comes to the CPS.

CPS guide for victims of crime

We're committed to securing justice for all victims of crime. Our new guide for victims explains what you can expect from the Criminal Justice System.

Graphic showing support worker. Text reads: A guide for victims of rape and serious sexual assault

Guide for victims of rape and serious sexual assault

If you’ve been a victim of rape or sexual assault, there is extra support available to help you through the criminal justice system. Our guide for victims of rape and sexual assault explains what your rights are and what happens when a case comes to the CPS.

The Crown Prosecution Service

The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) prosecutes criminal cases that have been investigated by the police and other investigative organisations in England and Wales. The CPS is independent, and we make our decisions independently of the police and government.

Our duty is to make sure that the right person is prosecuted for the right offence, and to bring offenders to justice wherever possible.

The CPS:

  • decides which cases should be prosecuted; 
  • determines the appropriate charges in more serious or complex cases, and advises the police during the early stages of investigations; 
  • prepares cases and presents them at court; and 
  • provides information, assistance and support to victims and prosecution witnesses. 

Prosecutors must be fair, objective and independent. When deciding whether to prosecute a criminal case, our lawyers must follow the Code for Crown Prosecutors. This means that to charge someone with a criminal offence, prosecutors must be satisfied that there is sufficient evidence to provide a realistic prospect of conviction, and that prosecuting is in the public interest.

Victims & witnesses

Being a victim or a witness to a crime is not easy, but with your help, we work hard to bring offenders to justice. Throughout the justice process we will support you and treat you with dignity.

From reporting the crime to passing sentence we explain:

  • what happens;
  • the role of the CPS and;
  • what you can expect from us.
Support for victims & witnesses

Crime info

We prosecute people for hundreds of different types of crime every year. This section gives an introduction to some of the categories of offending that we are asked about most often.

Prosecution guidance

This guidance assists our prosecutors when they are making decisions about cases. It is regularly updated to reflect changes in law and practice. 

View all prosecution guidance
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