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Man jailed for threatening to kill Ed Miliband MP.

|News, Hate crime

A man has been jailed for physically threatening to kill Ed Miliband MP on a street in Doncaster. 

On 22 March 2024, Michael Donaldson, 56, accosted Mr Miliband in the street and started shouting death threats at him and his two members of staff.

The MP and his staff members were left shaken by the actions of Donaldson – who appeared intoxicated and was behaving erratically – and quickly left the area.

Donaldson was arrested later that day and continued to make offensive comments about the MP though tried to play down the incident as a “joke”. 

On 31 May 2024, Donaldson pleaded guilty to one count of making threats to kill at Sheffield Crown Court.

He has today been sentenced to 3 years imprisonment.

Shaun Sigamoney, of the Crown Prosecution Service, said: “Michael Donaldson threatened Mr Miliband, despite his effort to play down the incident as a joke or drunken foolishness.

“His actions have no place in a civilised society. Neither Mr Miliband nor his members of staff should have been subjected to such vitriol – it is completely unacceptable.

“Members of Parliament play a vital role in our democracy – those who engage in this criminal behaviour will face the consequences of their actions.”

Notes to editors

  • Michael Donaldson (DOB: 10/10/1967) was convicted of one count of making a threat to kill, contrary to section 16 of the Offences Against the Person Act.
  • Shaun Sigamoney is a District Crown Prosecutor for CPS Yorkshire & Humberside’s Complex Casework Unit.

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