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Easy Read Victims' Guides

Our guides for victims will tell you about the CPS. They will also tell you what will happen if you tell the police that you have been the victim of a crime. There is one guide for victims of any crime, and one guide for victims of rape or serious sexual assault.

These are Easy Read versions of the guides. They do not include all of the information but will tell you about the important parts. The Easy Read guides use easier words and pictures. Some people may still want help to read it.

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Easy Read - What you need to know if you are the victim of a crime

Image of the cover of the guide. It shows a graphic of a female figure in office wear, standing behind an open laptop with a CPS logo on the cover. She is saying 'A victim is someone who is harmed or injured because of a crime'

This is the Easy Read version of the guide for most victims of crime. You can read it by clicking the button below.

Click here to read the guide

Easy Read - What you need to know if you are the victim of a rape or a serious sexual assault

Image of the cover of the Easy Read guide called 'What you need to know if you are the victim of a crime'. It shows a graphic of two figures, one female, one male, dressed in office wear, shaking hands. The male figure is holding a closed laptop computer with a CPS logo on it by his side in his left hand.

This is the Easy Read version of the guide for victims of a rape or a sexual assault. You can read it by clicking the button below.

Click here to read the guide

Further reading

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