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Security guard who impersonated a police officer to stop woman convicted


A man who pretended to be law enforcement to force a woman to pull over on an isolated country lane has been found guilty of impersonating a police officer at Swindon Magistrates’ Court.

Chris Green, 32, flashed fake blue lights to pull the victim over before confronting her at her car window. He left when he noticed she had her child in the car.

Green accepted that he illuminated the blue lights, however denied impersonating a police officer.

Prosecutors with CPS Wessex successfully argued that Green did intentionally lead the victim to believe he was law enforcement through strong witness testimonies from the victim and police.

He was ultimately convicted of impersonating a police officer at trial and will be sentenced on 28 June 2024.

Sibylle Cheruvier, a District Crown Prosecutor with CPS Wessex, said: “This was a wholly unnerving incident for the victim involved who was in a vulnerable position as a lone female driver. 

“I commend the victim for keeping her wits about her and recording Green’s number plate, through which police were able to locate him shortly after.

“The impersonation of a police officer is clearly a cause of concern for the community, and we are pleased that the court has seen through Green’s deception.

“I am very grateful to the victim for her support throughout this case without which we would not have been able to prove Green’s intentions.

“We urge anyone who is unsure if they have been stopped by a genuine police officer to contact the police immediately.”

Green was driving at 30 mph in a 60mph zone when the victim overtook his car. He overtook the victim before flashing fake blue lights and gesturing for the victim to pull over.

Green confronted the victim at the window of her car and told her that she had been ‘driving dangerously’.

When challenged, he told the victim that he worked for law enforcement, claiming to be part of a local undercover crime unit called ‘The Brotherhood’.

He was unable to provide the victim with a badge number.

However, once Green noticed the victim’s child in the back of the car, he told the victim that he would ‘let it go’ and left.

Police later found a blue LED light upon a search of Green’s car. 

Alarmingly, police style handcuffs, a dash cam and a baseball bat were also found.

Notes to editors

  • Chris Green (DOB: 26/09/1991) was found guilty at Swindon Magistrates' Court on 09/05/2024 of impersonating a police constable. 
  • He is scheduled to be sentenced on 28 June 2024.
  • Sibylle Cheruvier is a District Crown Prosecutor with CPS Wessex.

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